When Fear Rules The Night, She Brings Justice...Her WayTotally Trivia
Film facts for the 1984 Action / Adventure movie starring Linda Blair, John Vernon, Robert Dryer, Johnny Venocur
Sal Landi, Scott Mayer, Debra Blee, Lisa Freeman, Marcia Karr, Luisa Leschin, Linnea Quigley, Ina Romeo Update Cast
We believe the following trivia is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.
Rewind Archive
The actress who played Cindy the cheerleader, Rebecca Perle, had a big year in 1984. Aside from SAVAGE STREETS, she appeared in two other hits for that year: Clint Eastwood's TIGHTROPE and the Tom Hanks comedy BACHELOR PARTY.Bogus Trivia
There's often fake stuff floating round, y'know? -Like the 'ghost boy' that can allegedly be seen in "Three Men And A Baby".
But, nothing bogus that we know yet for "Savage Streets".
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