If you want to save our World, you must hurry.
Atraju by the river...
Totally Trivia
Film facts for the 1984 Fantasy movie starring Barret Oliver, Noah Hathaway, Tami Stronach, Moses Gunn
Patricia Hayes, Sydney Bromley, Gerald McRaney, Deep Roy, Drum Garrett, Darryl Cooksey, Nicholas Gilbert, Thomas Hill, Tilo Prückner, Alan Oppenheimer Update Cast
We believe the following trivia is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.
Thanks to David Jones
Shooting began in Germany on March 14, 1983 and was completed in Vancouver in November of 1983.Thanks to Kristin Troxel & Simon Lennox
The actor playing Atreyu, Noah Hathaway, may be better known to some people as the young boy "Boxey" in Battlestar Galactica. He has since retired from acting and is now trying to open his own motorcycle shop called "5105 Choppers" in Miami, FL.Noah also starred in the film "Sushi Girl' co-starring with Mark Hamill (known as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars) in 2011.
Thanks to Rob Caton
Tami Stronach who plays "The Childlike Empress" never made another movie, but is now a well-known and respected contemporary choreographer and dancer, with her own dance company in New York. Barret Oliver also appears in the 80's films "Cocoon" and "D.A.R.Y.L". Noah Hathaway can be seen in the 80's horror flick "Troll".Rewind Archive
Author Michael Ende was unhappy with the film and didn't want his name on the opening credits. A small credit is given to him at the end.Rewind Archive
The Nighthob curses in the opening scene when the Rockbiter is running down everything in his path, although the curse words are often dubbed over by the rumble of the Rockbiter's scooter. This may be because it is a family film.Thanks to Lucy
The actor Barret Oliver who plays Bastian in "The Never Ending Story" also stars in a short film called "frankenweenie" by the great Tim Burton. He plays a boy who brings his dog back to life!Tami Stronach, who playes the Empress, is a jewish girl who was born in Iran, but her parents moved with her to Israel when she was still a baby. Her full name is Tamar Stronach.
Thanks to B Hadfield
If you combine the movie and the book, the idea that Bastian has a fantastic name for the Childlike Empress (his mom's name) from the movie and the name Bastian gives her in the book, Moon Child--you could draw, although not completely logical, conclusion that this is the name of Bastian's mother.Bogus Trivia
There's often fake stuff floating round, y'know? -Like the 'ghost boy' that can allegedly be seen in "Three Men And A Baby".
The following trivia for "The NeverEnding Story" is apparently bogus. If you disagree or have additional info, please update us.When the scene in the swamps of sadness was being shot and the horse was supposed to "sink", he really did. The platform lifts failed and the horse died. Noah Hathaway "atreyu" was so upset he couldn't do anything for two weeks. That was the only bad event in the production of the movie, I believe.
I do not believe that the horse died during filming as it says in the behind the scenes section, as shortly after the NeverEnding Story was released in Australia, I saw an interview with Noah Hathaway where he said that once the shoot for the movie was over he was offered the horse as a present. He said that he absolutely loved the horse and had formed quite an attachment to it during the shoot but he couldn't accept it because his family had no way of looking after it. Would love this to be cleared up if possible.
Mara wrote in to add that Noah Hathaway confirmed at the Sydney Australia pop culture expo that the horse did not die during filming, he was offered to keep it as the "wrap" present (wrap meaning "thats a wrap" when filming is complete)
I do not believe that the horse died during filming as it says in the behind the scenes section, as shortly after the NeverEnding Story was released in Australia, I saw an interview with Noah Hathaway where he said that once the shoot for the movie was over he was offered the horse as a present. He said that he absolutely loved the horse and had formed quite an attachment to it during the shoot but he couldn't accept it because his family had no way of looking after it. Would love this to be cleared up if possible.
Mara wrote in to add that Noah Hathaway confirmed at the Sydney Australia pop culture expo that the horse did not die during filming, he was offered to keep it as the "wrap" present (wrap meaning "thats a wrap" when filming is complete)
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1984 Warner Brothers
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