Igor and the Lunatics Movie Trivia

Igor and the Lunatics Trivia

Still crazy after all these shears!

Totally Trivia

Film facts for the 1985 Horror / Occult movie starring Joseph Eero, Mary Ann Schact, Joe Niola, T.J. Glenn

Joan Ellen Delaney, Peter Dain, Kathleen Dennehy, Buddy Durrant, Bobby Hargrave, Constance Rodgers, Edward Mears, Brendan Faulkner, Thomas Doran, Patti Cohen-Hecht, Christopher Chandley, Peter Iasillo Jr., James H. Burns Update Cast

We believe the following trivia is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.

Rewind Archive
T.J. Glenn (Paul), also known as Teel James Michaels, is an experienced Hollywood stuntman and actor, and has appeared in Prime Evil, Strike Zone, The Protector, and The Last Prediction.
Rewind Archive
Peter Iasillo, Jr. (Felix), has appeared in other 80s cult/horror movies including Day of the Dead, Spookies, and Street Trash.
Rewind Archive
This is Billy Parolini's only film as director, but he worked as a grip on "Favorite Deadly Sins" and "Reform School Girls". He has also directed 2 unreleased feature films (as W. J. Parolini) - “Finding Candy” an independent feature film produced in San Francisco, CA, and a feature documentary “Oil Addiction, Denial, and the Death of Civilization.”
Look for director/scriptwriter W.J. Parolini as a dead ambulance driver.

Bogus Trivia

There's often fake stuff floating round, y'know? -Like the 'ghost boy' that can allegedly be seen in "Three Men And A Baby".

But, nothing bogus that we know yet for "Igor and the Lunatics".
Next: Behind The Scenes
1985 Troma Films
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