Man has made it's match, now it's his problem...
Joe Turkel, who plays the head of the Tyrell Corporation and Sean Young.
Totally Trivia
Film facts for the 1982 Sci-Fi movie starring Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Rutger Hauer, Daryl Hannah
Joe Turkel, M. Emmet Walsh, Edward James Olmos, William Sanderson, Brion James, Joanna Cassidy, James Hong, Morgan Paull, Kevin Thompson (II), John Edward Allen, Hy Pyke, Kimiko Hiroshige, Bob Okazaki, Carolyn DeMirjian, Alexis Rhee, Steve Pope Update Cast
We believe the following trivia is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.
Rewind Archive
British visionary director Ridley Scott was actually a qualified technical illustrator before gaining an excellent reputation in the production of TV commercials. Having moved on to feature films, his talent for illustration proved invaluable when he was communicationg his unique vision to the rest of the production team.Thanks to Rebecca Veight
The debate on whether or not Deckard is a replicant is one of the most famous debates in cinematic history. In this debate things pointing to Deckard being a replicant are:1) In the film 6 skin jobs are mentioned when only 5 are accounted for, that way leaving Deckard to be the 6th with fake memory implants of being a blade rummer.
2) He has the same obsession with photographs as the replicants.
3) In the Directors Cut there is a shot of him with glowing eyes like Rachels and the owls.
4) How does Gaff know about his dream of the unicorn unless its a memory implant?
5) When they ask him "Have you taken the test yourself?"
6) Ridley Scott says he is.
Whereas Against:
1) Replicants are illegal so the police would not be using one.
2) Bryant hates replicants so why would he trust one?
3) If Deckard has memory implants why would he be given bad ones such as quitting.
4) He lacks the power of the other replicants.
5) The screenwriters and Harrsion Ford say he isnt!
Thanks to Amy Taylor
My dad was the Art Director on this movie. His name is David L. Snyder, and he production designed a ton of 80's movies. He did "Summer School", "Back to School", "Pee Wee's Big Adventure", etc. He was nominated for an Academy Award for Bladerunner, but sadly lost the award to the Design team on Ghandi! In my opinion, that was a crime, as they did such an amazing job creating these sets, and Ghandi was basically location scouting!Rewind Archive
Blade Runner was based loosely on author Philip K. Dick's legendary book "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep" but the word 'loose' is the key here! Dick sadly died before the film was released but saw a rough version. He was alleged to be both pleased and very unhappy with the interpretation, depending on which historical version you believe.Thanks to Peter &Quot;James&Quot; Bond
A great deal of mystique has grown up around the weapon that Deckard (Harrison Ford) carries to "retire" the replicants in the film. The weapon was originally referred to as the "PK-D Detective Special," but is now known universally as the "Blade Runner gun." According to the stamping on the original model, PK-D stands for "Pflage-Katsumata Model D," but this also stands for Philip K. Dick, a little bow to the original author, hidden in the film.Thanks to Rogério Barbosa
The Bradbury Building where the final scenes are set was used in another movie, "Murphy's Law" with Charles Bronson.Thanks to Paul Downey
When Gaff and Deckerd take off in the spinner near the start of the movie, on the Right a sign fixed to the building says 'NUYOK' this is the same sign used on Leon's apartment building in reverse, when Deckerd visits the apartment the sign reads 'YUKON'Thanks to Keith
Back in the 90's, a bladerunner game was created for the PC. Most, if not all of the actors from the movie do voice overs for the game! The game basically is about another Bladerunner who is following the same case as Deckard is and at times Deckard is mentioned. A lot of the movie is faithfully recreated in the game and with five different endings available it really is enjoyable.Thanks to Olivier
I still think one of Ridley Scott's inspirational source to create the futuristic LA are some Mega City designs from the late 70's British comics Judge Dredd. Of course Scott and the designers pushed all the concepts on higher, but mainly tangible, levels.Thanks to Robert Sprenger
The sets actually got some re-use when it came time for 70s & 80s rock icons Heart to shoot a video for their hit single 'Nothing At All'.Thanks to Jim
I am led to believe that the end scenes in the original version, which see Deckard and Rachel driving off along tree lined roads was footage left over from filming the opening of The Shining, when Jack is driving up to the Overlook hotel for his interview.Thanks to Harlen Quinn
If you watch the death scene of Roy Batty, just after he saves Deckard and makes his 'Seen things' speech, he dies in a somewhat dramatic way, his head drops forward and the scene lingers on the rain drops washing over him... Well, if you watch the scene carefully I'm certain it's played backwards, in other words he actually lifts his head and opens his eyes.Thanks to Bill Cronin
The apartment building set used in Blade Runner and Heart vid was also in the Quantum Leap episode "Play It Again, Seymour."Thanks to Elsa Griffiths
The inspiration for the dirty industrial look of the film's futuristic cityscape was apparently inspired by the industrial estate around Birmingham's hellish-looking 'Spaghetti Junction' in England.Thanks to Gem
Director Ridley Scott actually got the inspiration for the opening futurescape shots of LA from the industrial landscape of Teeside, UK, while driving to his hometown of Stockton-on-Tees. The two skylines look very similar!Thanks to Harry Hol
Rutger Hauer bought a yacht with part of the salary he made on Blade Runner. He christened his ship (you guessed it) "The Bladerunner".Thanks to Martino Succi
During the scene where Gaff (Olmos) comes to 'pursuade' Deckard to come with them to the police station, Gaff speaks in a strange language that they called "Cityspeak", an idea of Olmos himself. In reality, the launguage was Hungarian -and too obscene for me to translate here!Bogus Trivia
There's often fake stuff floating round, y'know? -Like the 'ghost boy' that can allegedly be seen in "Three Men And A Baby".
But, nothing bogus that we know yet for "Blade Runner".
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