They're on a mission from God
Reverend Brown
Totally Trivia
Film facts for the 1980 Comedy movie starring John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Carrie Fisher, Cab Calloway
Ray Charles, James Brown, Aretha Franklin, John Candy, Steve Cropper, Donald Dunn, Murphy Dunne, Kathleen Freeman, Henry Gibson, Willie Hall, Steve Lawrence, Tom Malone (II), Lou Marini, Matt Murphy, Alan Rubin Update Cast
We believe the following trivia is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.
Rewind Archive
Keep your eyes peeled throughout the movie - there are many well-known people in very small parts - Chaka Khan, John Candy, Frank Oz, John Landis himself.Steve Cropper and Duck Dunn, two of the Blues Brothers, were musicians that were part of the Stax label music scene in Memphis. Both were part of the MGs (as in Booker T & the MGs, whose catalog of songs included "Green Onions", a familiar instumental blues song used in numerous commercials and movies). They also backed up many of the famous Stax artists, such as Otis Redding, Wilson Pickett, and Sam & Dave. Cropper, in fact, was a co-writer of such famous songs as "Knock on Wood", "In the Midnight Hour", and "Dock of the Bay." Cropper is further immortalized as a guitarist on record by being the "Steve" referred to by Sam & Dave on the classic song "Soul Man" ("play it Steve"), a song which became a Blues Brothers staple.
Thanks to Stacey
Other than the jail sequences and during his job quitting sequence, Elwood never takes off his sunglasses, and Jake never takes off his hat -Other than toward the end when he's on his knees in the tunnel begging for forgiveness!Thanks to Salukilaw
The young woman in the choir at the Triple Rock Church is R & B singer Chaka Khan.Thanks to Car Five Five
The 'Woman on the cutting-room floor' (Shirley Levine) in the credits, is John Landis' mother.Thanks to Salukilaw
The Illinois State Trooper, in the initial chase through the Dixie Mall, who said, "I think I broke my watch" is the popular musician Stephen Bishop ("On and On", "It Might Be You" (Love Theme from the movie "Tootsie"). Stephen Bishop was also the guy sitting on the steps in "Animal House" playing the guitar which John Belushi smashed.Thanks to Chad Hutchinson
John Belushi's wife, Judy Jacklin, has a cameo as a waitress in the scene where Jake and Elwood go to convince Murph and Magictones to rejoin the band.Thanks to Lady Barclay
When Jake and Elwood go to get Mr. Fabulous, the waiter who takes their wine order is Paul Reubens, aka Pee-Wee Herman.Thanks to Lady Barclay
The woman Elwood flirts with when they're waiting for the gas truck to arrive ("Ya want I should wash the dead bugs off your windshield?") is Twiggy, a famous British model.Thanks to Rex Randolph
In the car chase scene in the mall, the lady that tosses up a cake and runs away is Kitty O'Neal, a famous (and deaf) stuntwoman in the 1970's.Thanks to Lady Barclay
At the time Blues Brothers was made, the mall scene contained the most expensive car-chase scene ever filmed up to that time.Thanks to Da Chi Town Guy
Gary McLarty, the customer in 'Toys 'R' Us', who has the Grover toy and asks "Yes, do you have a Miss Piggy?", appears in the credits three times - once as the customer, once as the stunt co-ordinator, and he is also one of the stunt men listed in the credits.Thanks to Todd Causley
If you look on the wall behind the band at the end of the movie, you will see a sign that say's "its never to late to mend". That was taken from the solitary building, on the floor at the entrance engraved in cement of the front door when you enter the buliding.Thanks to Ryan Ellis
Steven Spielberg is in fact the cook county tax man. Frank Oz is the clerk at the prison who gives Jake back his belongings.Thanks to James
Elwood tells Jake that he put "1060 West Addison St." on his driver's license as his home address. This is the real-life address of Wrigley Field, home of the Chicago Cubs.Thanks to David Jones
Joe Walsh, from the Eagles, makes a brief appearance as a prisoner at the end of the movie.Thanks to Scarp
During most of the car crash scenes, you will hear someone saying that their watch broke, or some reference to their watch. You have to listen closely for a lot of them.Thanks to Miss Jenni
Currently in Melbourne, Australia, the world's longest running late show - dedicated to the blues brothers - is into it's 20th year. On the first friday of every month approx 200 people attend the Westgarth Cinema to watch the movie and a group of approx 20 groupies who get up on stage and perform parts of the movie. When Blues Brothers 2000 was being filmed John Landis invited the Melbourne Blues Brothers to be extras in the bluegrass scene. Approx 15 of them managed to fly over to Canada with 2 weeks notice to be in the movie.Rewind Archive
Graffiti on the bridge the Blues Brothers hide their car under during the show reads "John *heart* Debbie." This is a reference to director John Landis and his wife Deborah.Thanks to Lee B
Another graffiti outside the tunnel is "disco sucks". This refers to local dj Steve Dahl's radio promotion "disco demolition" which happened the same year as the movie -1979.Rewind Archive
Another occurrence of the John Landis "See you next Wednesday" in-joke is the film poster behind which Daniel and Mount's Police Cruiser hides before starting to chase the boys.Rewind Archive
This is relevant for both The Blues Brothers and The Blues Brothers 2000. For Aretha Franklin's song in both films, the thinnest of the back-up singers -Carolyn in the blue shorts, is actually Aretha Franklin's sister!Thanks to Sian
At the end of the movie, while the band is playing in prison, watch carefully when the camera shows the other inmates. The first convict that jumps up on the table (he is located right in front) is none other than Joe Walsh from the Eagles.Thanks to Elwood'S Girl
Elwood always has the sleeves of his white shirt rolled up past his elbows so that it does not show at his wrists and he wears white socks. Jake on the other hand, keeps his sleeves all the way down and they often come several inches past his coat sleeve.Thanks to David D
In the big concert scene at the end of the movie John Belushi had sprained his back falling down the stairs in the desk from the Penguin's office. He was in a back brace and on pain killers for the rest of the filming. John Landis told us (That day's extras, filming at the Hollywood Palladium) this just before John, Dan and the band started rehearsing for next day's filming. We had spent most of the day filming the Cab Calloway "Minnie the Moocher" sequence.Thanks to Michael Sisko
In a scene with Henry Gibson as the Nazi chief, sitting in his office discussing the Blues Brothers with an underling, he's painting a statue of a falcon with gold paint - an obvious (at least to me) take on the Maltese Falcon, where a fake lead statue was painted over to disguise the fraud.Thanks to Jim Barrett
After the Good Old Boys' motor home leaves the freeway during the final chase, and before it crashes through the barn and into the lake, it passes a shop called "Mr. Bill's". This is only visible on screen for about one second, but it's there. A tribute to their SNL connection?Bogus Trivia
There's often fake stuff floating round, y'know? -Like the 'ghost boy' that can allegedly be seen in "Three Men And A Baby".
The following trivia for "Blues Brothers" is apparently bogus. If you disagree or have additional info, please update us.I believe that the clerk officer assessor in the jail was played, not by Steven Spielberg, but by Frank Oz.
Nope, that was "Trading Places".
Nope, that was "Trading Places".
Anne Murray (Canadian Singer) is the Mother Superior.
This is not true. "The Penguin" is actually Kathleen Freeman, an actress that has had many roles, but is probably best known for her role as The Penguin.
This is not true. "The Penguin" is actually Kathleen Freeman, an actress that has had many roles, but is probably best known for her role as The Penguin.
This film still holds the world record for the number of cars crashed.
But, 'The Junkman' set out to break that record in 1982, splashed over the movie box, and I hear The Matrix Revolutions used actual physical cars (300 trashed) in 2003.
And Big Red wrote in to add: I'm afraid this is no longer true. I believe that the record is now held by Transformers 3.
But, 'The Junkman' set out to break that record in 1982, splashed over the movie box, and I hear The Matrix Revolutions used actual physical cars (300 trashed) in 2003.
And Big Red wrote in to add: I'm afraid this is no longer true. I believe that the record is now held by Transformers 3.
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