The Abyss Movie Trivia

The Abyss Trivia

A place on earth more awesome than anywhere in space.
The Abyss Picture
Into The Abyss...

Totally Trivia

Film facts for the 1989 Sci-Fi movie starring Michael Biehn, Ed Harris, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Kimberly Scott

Leo Burmester, Todd Graff, John Bedford Lloyd, J.C. Quinn, Captain Kidd Brewer Jr., George Robert Klek, Christopher Murphy, Adam Nelson, Dick Warlock, Jimmie Ray Weeks, J. Kenneth Campbell, Ken Jenkins, Chris Elliott Update Cast

We believe the following trivia is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.

Michael Beihn played a Navy Seal in "Navy Seals" with Charlie Sheen and was also in "The Rock" with Nicholas Cage and Sean Connery.
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Ed Harris said "I'm not talking about the Abyss and I never will".
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Michael Biehn said of director James Cameron "When he's making a movie he doesn't allow his good naturedness to get in the way!" (Michael Biehn)
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The first movie released under the THX laserdisc program.
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Hard evidence that James Cameron had plans for world domination: From "The Terminator" up until "Titanic", every Cameron movie featured a nuclear warhead.
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Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio said of the film "The Abyss was a lot of things, fun to make is not one of them"
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"I do very much care; Look, I don't pretend to come out of every movie friendly with everyone like we're one fuzzy, warm, hippy commune..." (Jim Cameron)
Thanks to Dave Tomkings
When the soldiers shoot their machine guns into the moon pool they are firing live ammunition into the water.
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In the Abyss, Michael Biehn's character gets bitten on the arm by another character, this happens to him in every James Cameron movie he's in - see "The Terminator" (1984) and "Aliens" (1986).

Bogus Trivia

There's often fake stuff floating round, y'know? -Like the 'ghost boy' that can allegedly be seen in "Three Men And A Baby".

But, nothing bogus that we know yet for "The Abyss".
Next: Behind The Scenes
1989 20th Century Fox
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