William Shatner, DeForest Kelley, Leonard Nimoy, Christopher Lloyd
James Doohan, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei, Walter Koenig, Merritt Butrick, Robin Curtis, Joe W. Davis, Robert Hooks, Stephen Liska, Stephen Manley, Scott McGinnis, Phil Morris, Vadia Potenza, Cathie Shirriff, Paul Sorenson, Carl Steven, Paul Sorensen Update Cast
Look for Harve Bennett making a cameo appearance!
More Trivia from Star Trek 3: The Search For Spock
Returning from his battle with Khan (see Star Trek 2: The Wrath Of Khan), Kirk (Shatner) is confronted by Spock's Father, demanding to know why he did not take Spock's body to Vulcan after the battle. Apparently, Spock's body died, but he would have placed his katra, or soul, in another person.
This person turned out to be McCoy (Kelley), who since the event has been acting kinda strange - well who wouldn't. Determined to return to the genesis planet and collect Spock's body, Kirk once again breaks just about every rule in the book, steals the Enterprise and along with the rest of the crew high-tail's it to the now-quarrantined Genesis.
Meanwhile, a Klingon captain named Kruge (Lloyd) learns of genesis. He views it as a terrible weapon and vows to learn it's secrets. He sets course for the planet also. On arrival, they destroy an orbiting Starfleet vessel, leaving Lt Saavik, a vulcan and Dr David Marcus, Kirk's son, stranded on the surface. They beamed down to search for life-signs and found a yound Vulcan boy, who turned out to be formed from Spock's reanimated cells and DNA.
By the time Kirk arrives, the Klingons have taken the three prisoner on the surface. Tricking the Klingons into believing he was surrendering, Kirk sets the auto-destruct sequence and beams off the ship just as the Klingons board.
Down on the planet, Kruge kills David in a fit of rage when he can't get the Genesis plans. Then the rest of the crew all beam up to the near-deserted Klingon ship, leaving Kirk and Kruge to fight to the death on a planet that is rapidly self-destructing. Will Kirk win? Will they get Spock back to Vulcan in time? Of course, because you all know there were at least six more movies to come!
Now I'll be honest here. Even as a dyed-in-the-wool trekkie, it's possible to miss this movie completely and still be able to follow the storyline through the early movies. The theory about 'even movies good, odd movies bad' tends to bear true here.
Don't get me wrong, I still like the movie a lot, but it's not as polished as some of the others, it's not as much fun, the story isn't as strong, and some of the acting was a little tired. But on the plus side, Christopher Lloyd made one great kick-ass Klingon!
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The Movie Data
Key Crew
Director: Leonard Nimoy
Writer: Gene Roddenberry, Harve Bennett, Leonard Nimoy
Producers: Harve Bennett, Gary Nardino, Ralph Winter
Locations Manager:
Update The Crew
Release Date: 01 Jun 1984
MPAA Rating: PG
Studio: Paramount Pictures
Production: Cinema Group Ventures, Paramount Pictures
Genre: Sci-Fi
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The Movie Trailer
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