Valet Girls Soundtrack

Valet Girls Soundtrack


Vocal Song Tracks

Valet Girls featured the following songs:

Artists are linked if they appear in other featured movies.

Valet Girls
Flyin' High
Heartless Love
Reachin' Up
Elizabeth Lamers
Slow, Beautiful Sex
The Fibionacis
Purple Haze
The Fibionacis
Day After Day
Passion To Pass
Video Love
Wilshire Girls
Party Line
Alisa Alverez, Ethan James, Steve Meloan, Mike Meloan, Greg Buck
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Music Producer and instrumental man Bob Parr wrote, composed and played on many of the songs from this movie. He was a producer and contributor for Meri D Marshall in the 80's and she was the artist who performed and sang those songs.

I think they met on this film and continued working together when she released her album. [Thanks to Mike Gless] UPDATE: We were thrilled when Bob himself wrote in to add: I actually met Meredith through my brother, Jon, in Dallas, Texas. We started working on her first album, which was finished before 'Valet Girls', and released throughout Europe and Japan. [Thanks to Bob Parr]Update Us

Song Trivia

Cast/Crew Bob Parr
Most of the soundtrack composed by Bob Parr for the movie 'Valet Girls' was recorded at Total Access Recording, in Redondo Beach -the same studio that the band 'Guns and Roses 'and 'Great White' recorded in.

The only song that wasn't, 'Body Animation', was recorded in the Beach Boys old studio in Santa Monica. The Keyboardist, John Gilutin, on 'Body Animation' also toured with Aretha Franklin and James Taylor.

Next: The Instrumental Music

Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): Robert Parr


Songwriter/Composer Robert Parr himself kindly wrote in to say that there were several cues used as underscore, composed by him.

Though Director Zelenski's idea was to use contemporary indie tracks as the backdrop, the producers eventually felt that more underscore was needed for transitions from scene to scene.Update Us

Score Trivia

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1986 Empire Pictures
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