The Princess Bride Soundtrack

The Princess Bride Soundtrack


Vocal Song Tracks

The Princess Bride featured the following songs:

Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info
Artists are linked if they appear in other featured movies.


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Song Trivia

Thanks to Elizabeth
The quote: "My name is Inigo Montoya; you killed my father; prepare to die!" was stated in a recent poll to be one of the most recognized quotes from a movie. In 1997 I attended a Mandy Patinkin concert. He finished his (spectacular) main performance and of course the audience stood and demanded an encore. The stage was dark for several minutes. Then a single spotlight came on, Mandy walked out to the microphone and repeated that famous line. The audience went crazy and it was another several minutes before he could begin his actual encore song.

Next: The Instrumental Music

Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): Mark Knopfler

The Princess Bride featured the following pieces of instrumental music:

Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info.
Composers are linked if they worked on other featured movies.


The latest CD is a specially remastered HDCD version. The music was all written by Mark Knopfler of "Dire Straits" fame, -except the song "Storybook Love", by Willy DeVille. There's also a funny story by Princess Bride Movie Director Rob Reiner in the liner about how the soundtrack came to be.Update Us

Score Trivia

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1987 20th century Fox
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