Ordinary People Soundtrack

Ordinary People Soundtrack


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Ordinary People featured the following songs:

Ordinary People
Danny Bell Hall
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Thanks to Lia_iko
The music soundtrack of Ordinary People is Canon In D.

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Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): Marvin Hamlisch


The original score was composed by veteran composer Marvin Hamlisch. It's very fitting to the movie's emotional content, but very similar to "Terms of Endearment".

Michael Gabauer adds: "I recently purchased the 45 on ebay. It is only available in this form and rather odd is the fact that an established composer like Marvin H. wasn't able to land a soundtrack for this film. The music on the 45 is usually in two versions. One side is the orchestral version of the Canon in D and the flip side is piano only by Marvin. The value is at about $20 but worth it for the modern-style at the time of the film's release (1980)."Update Us

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1980 Paramount Pictures
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