Legend Soundtrack

Legend Soundtrack


Vocal Song Tracks

Legend featured the following songs:

Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info
Artists are linked if they appear in other featured movies.


Most notable for "Loved by the Sun" is one of my favorites.Update Us

Song Trivia

Thanks to Felipe Alvarado
"Is your Love Strong Enough" was co-composed by David Gilmour from Pink Floyd.

Next: The Instrumental Music

Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): Tangerine Dream, Jerry Goldsmith

Legend featured the following pieces of instrumental music:

Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info.
Composers are linked if they worked on other featured movies.


This movie is interesting because it has been released in two versions --with soundtracks by different composers! We've listed both the original theatrical version by Tangerine Dream and the Directors cut version scored with the original (and replaced) Jerry Goldsmith score...

Both Tangerine Dream's soundtrack and Jerry Goldsmith's score have been available on CD.

See our buying guide for more details and ordering infoUpdate Us

Score Trivia

Rewind Archive
Composer Jerry Goldsmith's original score was removed by the studio after the first round of test screenings. In an effort to appeal to "the kids," executives commissioned Tangerine Dream to create a replacement. Goldsmith's original score was heard only with the film's European release.
Rewind Archive
When it came time to assemble the full director's cut, the original session masters for the Jerry Goldsmith score could not be located. However, Mike Ross-Trevor of Hit Factory Studios in London had kept a 2-track digital copy, mixed down from 8-track session masters, which he knew "would be worth preserving." Most of these tapes contained complete takes, which had to be re-edited from scratch to match the cues in the recut print.
Thanks to Josh
Jerry Goldsmith's score was Ridley Scott's personal favorite and this change in score prompted a major fall out between Ridley Scott and Jerry Goldsmith (the latter believing he had created some of his finest work) and and sadly as a result Goldsmith never discussed the project again.

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1985 Universal
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