Ladyhawke Soundtrack

Ladyhawke Soundtrack


Vocal Song Tracks


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Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): Andrew Powell

Ladyhawke featured the following pieces of instrumental music:

Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info.
Composers are linked if they worked on other featured movies.

Andrew Powell
Andrew Powell
Andrew Powell
Andrew Powell
Andrew Powell
Andrew Powell
Andrew Powell
Andrew Powell
Andrew Powell
Andrew Powell
Andrew Powell
Andrew Powell
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The soundtrack should be mentioned as a warning. I may have liked it at the time, but when I watched it recently I found myself biting my bottom lip. It's a mixture of orchestral and pop-synth. Half the time the two styles meet in the middle giving way to several pieces that sound like Chariots of Fire 'lite'.

The much maligned soundtrack was written by Andrew Powell and arranged/produced by Alan Parsons. Alan Parsons was an engineer on The Beatles 'Abbey Road' album and later went on to work on 'The Dark Side of The Moon' by Pink Floyd, 'Come Up and See Me Make Me Smile' by Steve Harley and 'Music' by John Miles. He's also had major album success with his own band, The Alan Parsons Project, through the 70s and 80s and also under the guise of Pilot ('Howat'). [Thanks to Rob Morris]Update Us

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1985 20th Century Fox
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