Gregory's Girl Soundtrack

Gregory's Girl Soundtrack


Vocal Song Tracks


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Song Trivia

Rewind Archive
The eerie, haunting, voice that sings the a cappella version of the theme song can also be heard singing a cappella in the movie "Bram Stoker's Dracula".

Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): Colin Tully


The music score was an early 80's jazzy library "musak" type synth score. Not dissimilar to inoffensive "test card" music!Update Us

Score Trivia

Thanks to R Smith
Score composer/arranger, Glaswegian Colin Tully, was previously sax/flute/arranger and songwriter with "legendary" Glasgow jazz/soul/funk band 'Cado Belle' (who came out of jazz-fusion band 'Up'). They are probably best known for giving Paisley soul singer Maggie Reilly her start.

All this preceded local 'rivals', The Average White Band by about 5 years

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1981 Samuel Goldwyn Company
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