Vocal Song Tracks
Eddie & The Cruisers featured the following songs:
Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info
Artists are linked if they appear in other featured movies.
Released on Scotti Bros. records and cassettes - there are actually 2 versions of the soundtrack released on compact disc. The superior original 1983 release contains the tracks 'Tender Years' and 'Wild Summer Nights' whilst the subsequent 1990 re-issue fell victim to copyright problems and both tracks were replaced with Del Shannon's 'Runaway' and the track 'Mockingbird.'
Still an outstanding piece of work for any rock or pop fan, the inclusion of a single cut from the ambitious 'Season in Hell' album that Eddie Wilson finished just before his 'vanishing' in 1963 is a world-class blurring of reality and fiction. The dramatic impact of Wilson's potential on the record is that its visionary style is similar to that of any late 1970's rock band.Update Us
Song Trivia
John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown is still touring. They still open with "On The Dark Side" and still sound great.
According to a line by the Wordman early in the film, the Cruisers's album "Tender Years" had 12 tracks, but the released soundtrack held only 10 songs, and one was "Season In Hell", off the rejected 2nd album, leaving 9. So it's possible that John Cafferty and his band wrote 3 more songs that were not heard in the film!
If Cafferty has recorded and performed them since, which are the Cruisers's lost tracks? Could they have been used in the sequel?
Next: The Instrumental Music
Instrumental Score
Primary Composer(s): John Cafferty
Eddie & The Cruisers featured the following pieces of instrumental music:
Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info.
Composers are linked if they worked on other featured movies.
Score Trivia
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