Eating Raoul Soundtrack

Eating Raoul Soundtrack


Vocal Song Tracks

Eating Raoul featured the following songs:

Artists are linked if they appear in other featured movies.

Exactly Like You
Jonathan Beres
El Amante Triste
Devil With a Blue Dress On
Doggy King Commercial
The Gang
Gimme that Cash Jack
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Song Trivia

Rewind Archive
The movie features a spanish remake of "Devil With a Blue Dress On" by Los Lobos, of La Bamba fame.
Thanks to Big Craig
There was a soundtrack LP released for "Eating Raoul" on Varese Sarabande. It's now out of print, but included the Los Lobos version of "Devil With A Blue Dress On", titled "Diablo con Vestido Azul".

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Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): Arlon Ober


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1982 Twentieth Century Fox
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