Don't Tell Her It's Me Soundtrack

Don't Tell Her It's Me Soundtrack

AKA: The Boyfriend School

Vocal Song Tracks

Don't Tell Her It's Me featured the following songs:

Don't tell her it's me
Michael Ruff
Talk to me
David Batteau
Don't Ask Me Why
Dee Dee Belson
Je veux vivre dans ce rêve
Patricia Smith
El Pueblo Alteno
Mariachi Uclatlan
Flames D'Enfer
Ready For Love
Helen Morris
Suggestion Blues
Anson Funderburgh, Sam Myers
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The group "The Cowboy Junkies" is mentioned in the movie. David Barrett of the group contributed the song "Ready for Love" that was used in the film.

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Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): Michael Gore

Don't Tell Her It's Me featured the following pieces of instrumental music:

Composers are linked if they worked on other featured movies.

Main Title / False Start No 1
Maybe Another Time?
Microwave Lounge Singer
None So Blind
Not Fair
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Michael Gore's excellent soundtrack was only ever released on a small, independent label, and only on cassette as far as I can tell. I have never seen a copy on sale. (In fact I have never seen a copy, period!).

Robert Randles also composed additional music.

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1989 Hemdale
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