Vocal Song Tracks
Band of the Hand featured the following songs:
Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info
Artists are linked if they appear in other featured movies.
Bob Dylan
The Reds
The Reds
The Reds
The Reds
The Reds
Tiger Tiger
Broken Wings
In The Air Tonight
Phill Collins
Song Trivia
Thanks to Mike Piemonte
The song "Under the Milkyway" was on the movie Band of the Hand as well. It was during the seen when Nestor made Carlo's girlfriend go up to his freaky voodoo bedroom. Nestor said, "Go upstairs and take you clothes off."Thanks to Roger Masa
The Reds are also featured on the Michael Mann thriller "Manhunter" as scorers for the soundtrack and feature instrumental tracks in the movie.Next: The Instrumental Music
Instrumental Score
Primary Composer(s): Michel Rubin
Band of the Hand featured the following pieces of instrumental music:
Click/tap highlighted track names for full Soundtrack release info.
Composers are linked if they worked on other featured movies.
Michel Rubin
Score Trivia
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1986 Tri-Star Pictures
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