An American Werewolf In London Soundtrack

An American Werewolf In London Soundtrack


Vocal Song Tracks

An American Werewolf In London featured the following songs:

Artists are linked if they appear in other featured movies.


Includes such classics as Blue Moon by Sam Cooke; Moondance by Van Morrison; Bad Moon Rising by Credence Clearwater Revival; Blue Moon by The Marcels.

It's amazing how adorable fifties and sixties music can be made spooky in the context of a horror film, but somehow it can be, and added an original touch to the film.

Even though there were classic songs used in the movie, an official soundtrack couldn't be produced due to the short length of the 5 songs and the 7 min. score, so they asked Meco to produced a justice soundtrack titled: Meco's Impressions of An American Werewolf In London which was released on Casablanca records and cassettes. [Thanks to Chad Wichterman]Update Us

Song Trivia

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All the songs in this film have the word "Moon" in the title.

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Instrumental Score

Primary Composer(s): Elmer Bernstein


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1981 Universal Pictures
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