He's just turned 18. And it's time to turn a dream into reality.
Madonna makes her first screen appearance [see locations info]
Go behind the scenes on the 1985 Teen Drama movie starring Matthew Modine, Linda Fiorentino, Michael Schoeffling, J.C. Quinn
Ronny Cox, Harold Sylvester, Charles Hallahan, Daphne Zuniga, R.H. Thomson, Gary Kasper, Raphael Sbarge, Forest Whitaker, Frank Jasper, Roberts Blossom, James Gammon, Judith Hansen Update Cast
We believe the following info is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.
Thanks to Jay Miner
Vision Quest is based on a novel by Terry Davis. In the book, the story ends as the big match between Louden and Shute begins. We never really know who wins. There is a lot of speculation that this is because, whether or not Louden actually wins is not the point, it's having a big dream and goals to go after that leads you to challenge and push yourself are what count.Dick Urbaniak kindly wrote in to add that even before Terry Davis's novel he was published in Sports Illustrated (1975) with this story of high school wrestling. Vision Quest was derived from this short story.
Thanks to Kevin
The wrestler that played Shute (Frank Jasper) was also a marine who wrestled for them as well.Thanks to Michael Powell
The original actor cast for Louden's coach was a man by the name of Cash Stone. Cash Stone was the wrestling coach for Mead Senior High School in Spokane Wa. He turned down the role because of a scene in which Louden's coach uses profanity. Instead, coach Stone took a small role as the referee for the final bout between Louden and Shute.Thanks to Neil Leckman
Shute's coach is Ken Pelo who was the Roger's HS wrestling coach for many years. He was a very hard coach but he had boys win a lot of state titles. He also used to get thrown out of a lot of matches because he would crawl around the edge of the circle yelling at the wrestlers during the matches. That's why he always had a good assistant coach!!!!Thanks to Jon
All of the wrestling "extras" were state champions that went out to open casting calls.Thanks to Tori Wilferd
The school that Louden goes to is Roger's highschool (everyone knows that by now and the Roger's highschool students of today brag about it all the time). The Roger's HS mascot is the pirate and the school colors are purple and yellow. But if you look at the uniforms the wrestlers (Louden and teammates) are wearing you can see that the mascot is an Indian and colors are black and red. The school in Spokane that holds these identifying marks is North Central Highschool (where I graduated from - well after Vision Quest was released).Thanks to Anonymous
The mythical School that Loudon wrestles for is David Thompson High School.Thompson was an explorer for The Hudson Bay Fur Company and The Northwest Fur Company. Among other things, he established the Spokane House for fur trading.
The author of the novel wrestled for Shadle Park High School. The movie was shot at several school locations, including SFCC.
Next Section: Deleted Scenes
Deleted Scenes
There are often scenes cut from the final version of a movie. Sometimes these will have been seen by preview audiences, or be included in Blu-ray or DVD extras etc.
The following missing scenes from Vision Quest are believed legit. If you disagree or have additional info, please update us.Thanks to Anonymous
There was a scene of Louden and Carla "having relations" in the car... while Louden was driving it, but that scene was in the theater version only and didn't make it to video.Thanks to Kimberly Oberg
There was a scene between Louden and Margie in the office for the school newspaper. This was actually filmed in the rooms used by the Rogers HS newspaper/yearbook staff.Louden was cutting out a string of paper dolls while Margie was being very earnest. I happened to be sitting in the background in a smaller room 'typing'. No clue what happened to the scene... cutting room floor I guess.
Next Section: Alternate Versions
Alternate Versions
Sometimes, there will be several versions of a movie floating about on cable, tv or video etc. Other times, a Director may release a special cut of the movie on Blu-ray or DVD.
The following versions of Vision Quest are apparently real. If you disagree or have additional info, please update us.Thanks to Anonymous
The movie was to be filmed in 1980 and originally Chrisopher Atkins was cast as the star Louden Swain.Jump To: Filming Locations
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1985 Warner Bros.
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