Adventure Runs In The Family!
Go behind the scenes on the 1984 Action / Adventure movie starring Helen Slater, Peter O'Toole, Faye Dunaway, Hart Bochner
Marc McClure, Mia Farrow, Brenda Vaccaro, Peter Cook, Simon Ward, Maureen Teefy, David Healy, Sandra Dickinson, Robyn Mandell, Jennifer Landor, Diana Ricardo, Nancy Lippold, Sonya Leite, Lynsey Beauchamp, Michelle Taylor, Nancy Wood Update Cast
We believe the following info is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.
Rewind Archive
Helen Slater had to train three hours a day for three months to do the outdoor flying sequences where she was suspended by wires from a 200ft tower crane.Thanks to Cliff
Demi Moore was signed on to play Lucy Lane, but backed out to star in another movie.Rewind Archive
The role of Selina was originally to be played by Dolly Parton and production materials were prepared marketing Parton's role in the film. In the original script, Selina is a simple farm girl interested in magic who becomes consumed with evil by contact with the Omegahedron. Rather than the end for Dunaway's character in the film, Parton's Selina would have been freed from the Omegahedron's influence at the end of the movie.Rewind Archive
In the original script, that contemplated Reeve's participation, Superman is overpowered by the evil Selina and it is up to Supergirl to save the day. Reeve never committed to Supergirl as he still believed he was done playing Superman, a decision he made at the end of filming Superman III and recanted on making Superman IV.Rewind Archive
The production team initially intended to give Supergirl a feminized version of Superman's uniform with a more stylized "S" and a headband. DC Comics initially objected because only Kryptonian men wore headbands, not women. However, DC eventually relented and even incorporated the planned film costume into the comic book character's adventures. After explaining Supergirl's reasons for violating Kryptonian protocol and wearing a headband, Supergirl the movie decided against the stylized costume but DC Comics was stuck. Supergirl the comic character died in that costume at the hands of the Anti-Monitor in Crisis on Infinite Earths #7, saving her cousin Superman from the Anti-Monitor's attack.Rewind Archive
Though the role of Principal Danvers is played mainly for laughs, the original script called for Danvers and his family to befriend Linda Lee. This would have echoed the comic book story, where orphan Linda Lee is eventually adopted by Fred and Edna Danvers.Thanks to Pascal Faucher
In an interview with late-show host Conan O'Brien in the mid-1990's, Helen Slater signed an image of her role as Supergirl, adding "By the way, this is not my real breast". In truth, she revealed that the production team chose to 'increase' that aspect of her costume to more closely resemble the comic strip Supergirl.Rewind Archive
The original movie script would have had the movie opening with a recreation of the destruction of Krypton and the survival of Argo City, though it was eventually decided to provide no explanation at all for the existence of Argo City beyond that it was founded by Supergirl's pal, Zaltar.Next Section: Deleted Scenes
Deleted Scenes
There are often scenes cut from the final version of a movie. Sometimes these will have been seen by preview audiences, or be included in Blu-ray or DVD extras etc.
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Next Section: Alternate Versions
Alternate Versions
Sometimes, there will be several versions of a movie floating about on cable, tv or video etc. Other times, a Director may release a special cut of the movie on Blu-ray or DVD.
The following versions of Supergirl are apparently real. If you disagree or have additional info, please update us.Rewind Archive
Initially a flop in its original theatrical release, Supergirl more latterly has become a bit of a cult movie, aided by it's unavailability. Anchor Bay had alot of faith in this film by releasing a double disc DVD Special Edition which contains not only the Director's cut of the film but also the International version with many scences which were cut out edited back into the film.Jump To: Filming Locations
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1984 Warner Bros
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