In the future, cities will become deserts, roads will become battlefields...
The Humungus -- Warrior of the wasteland
Go behind the scenes on the 1981 Action / Adventure movie starring Mel Gibson, Bruce Spence, Max Phipps, Vernon Wells
Emil Minty, Michael Preston, Kjell Nilsson, Virginia Hey, William Zappa, Arkie Whiteley, Steve J. Spears, Syd Heylen, Moira Claux, David Downer, David Slingsby, Kristoffer Greaves, Max Fairchild, Tyler Coppin, Jim Brown (III), Tony Deary Update Cast
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Rewind Archive
The movie was named "The Road Warrior" because the original "Mad Max" film had little fanfare at the time of it's release. It is now known as "Mad Max 2."Thanks to Repo Van Repo
Max's vehicle in the opening sequence is a 1973 Ford Falcon XBGT hardtop (available only in Australia) powered by a 351 Cleveland engine coupe and backed by a toploader 4-speed. This is sometimes mis-identified as an Australian GM Holden Monaro.Thanks to Bernard Mccomiskey
They were going to make a fourth Mad Max film called "Mad Max 4: Fury Road". Although the project was given the green light for a $100 million USD budget, Fury Road is currently in hiatus. Mel Gibson has said that he does not wish to work on another "Mad Max" film, not because he doesn't like the series, but because he doesn't consider himself physically able to play Max. He even joked saying that the movie would be called "Fat Max". He has said he would not do the film without George Miller, the series' writer and director, and suggested that Max ought to die in the movie. There have been rumors flying around the Internet for years about a possible plot. Ideas range from taking place after Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome to a prequel, telling the story of the Main Force Patrol prior to the original film, Mad Max. This film was scheduled to go into production a few years earlier than 2006, but the project was delayed due to travel restrictions imposed after the terrorist attacks on the USA of 11 September 2001. Many cast and crew members could not get to the proposed location. The production office for the project has apparently since closed.Thanks to Keith Savage
There were two XB Falcons used in MM2, one of them was wrecked completely as seen in the movie, the other was abandoned then eventually bought, restored, and put in a Museum.The wrecked car (and a few others) is in a private hands somewhere in Broken Hill NSW and is a barely recognizable rusty wreck.
Next Section: Deleted Scenes
Deleted Scenes
There are often scenes cut from the final version of a movie. Sometimes these will have been seen by preview audiences, or be included in Blu-ray or DVD extras etc.
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Next Section: Alternate Versions
Alternate Versions
Sometimes, there will be several versions of a movie floating about on cable, tv or video etc. Other times, a Director may release a special cut of the movie on Blu-ray or DVD.
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1981 Warner Bros.
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