We are the future!... and nothing can stop us!
"This is one class you simply can't afford to fail..."
Go behind the scenes on the 1982 Thriller movie starring Perry King, Tim Van Patten, Roddy McDowall, Merrie Lynn Ross
Michael J. Fox, Stefan Arngrim, Al Waxman, Timothy Van Patten, Keith Knight (II), Lisa Langlois, Neil Clifford, Erin Noble, David Gardner, Steve Pernie, Robert Reece, Joseph Kelly, Elva Mai Hoover, Vincent Abbatino, Evan Green, Claude Rae Update Cast
We believe the following info is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.
Rewind Archive
Writer Barry Schneider who'd worked with director Lester before added much of the "Clockwork Orange" stuff in the film, like when Stegman says "I am the future". Unfortunately, Schneider’s contribution to “Class of 1984” was never formally credited because after viewing a screening of the film, he angrily demanded to have his name taken off the credits. "Barry saw the film and he was horrified. absolutely disgusted" recalled Lester "he thought it was the worst piece of garbage he’d ever seen."Next Section: Deleted Scenes
Deleted Scenes
There are often scenes cut from the final version of a movie. Sometimes these will have been seen by preview audiences, or be included in Blu-ray or DVD extras etc.
Shucks.. We don't know of any cut scenes from "Class of 1984". Can you help? Please add one for others to enjoy. It's quick & easy
Next Section: Alternate Versions
Alternate Versions
Sometimes, there will be several versions of a movie floating about on cable, tv or video etc. Other times, a Director may release a special cut of the movie on Blu-ray or DVD.
The following versions of Class of 1984 are apparently real. If you disagree or have additional info, please update us.Thanks to mark skelton
The U.K cinema version was cut by over four minutes to reduce the violence.Jump To: Filming Locations
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1982 Artisan Films
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