It's all about sex and sport. What else is there?
Go behind the scenes on the 1988 Romantic Comedy movie starring Kevin Costner, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Trey Wilson
Robert Wuhl, William O'Leary, David Neidorf, Danny Gans, Tom Silardi, Lloyd T. Williams, Rick Marzan, George Buck, Jenny Robertson, Gregory Avellone, Garland Bunting, Robert Dickman, Timothy Kirk, Don Davis (XII), Stephen Ware, Tobi Eshelman Update Cast
We believe the following info is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.
There were a few hundred people who were constant extras for many of the ballpark scenes - but sometimes more were brought in, for example at the Wedding scene, an evening of sitting around and waiting to be told when to cheer. (I was 8 years old and there)
Thanks to Theo
They painted the ballpark green and yellow for the film - and called it El Toro stadium. No one could ever figure out why green and yellow, since these had never been the colors of the Bulls. Afterwards they painted back to the original blue and tan. The signs on the outfield (adverts) were left the same though, which provides a nice snapshot of what was going on in Durham of the 1980s.Rewind Archive
Although the film was set during a long hot summer, it was actually shot in late fall/early winter. In several scenes, you can see the breath coming from the actors' mouths.Next Section: Deleted Scenes
Deleted Scenes
There are often scenes cut from the final version of a movie. Sometimes these will have been seen by preview audiences, or be included in Blu-ray or DVD extras etc.
Shucks.. We don't know of any cut scenes from "Bull Durham". Can you help? Please add one for others to enjoy. It's quick & easy
Next Section: Alternate Versions
Alternate Versions
Sometimes, there will be several versions of a movie floating about on cable, tv or video etc. Other times, a Director may release a special cut of the movie on Blu-ray or DVD.
Aw, man.. We don't know of any alternate versions of "Bull Durham". If you know better, please add one for others to enjoy. It's quick & easy
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1988 Orion Pictures
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