Locations Notes
Rewind the locations where they filmed the 1986 Teen Drama movie starring Molly Ringwald, Harry Dean Stanton, Jon Cryer, Annie Potts
James Spader, Andrew McCarthy, Jim Haynie, Alexa Kenin, Kate Vernon Update Cast
Pretty In Pink Filming Locations:
These scenes were actually shot at A private residence, located in South Pasadena, S. California. Google Map
Like many 80's movies, the High School scenes were shot at John Marshall High, 3939 Tracy Street, Los Angeles, CA
Andie's House is located on Hope Street in South Pasadena, CA, just around the corner from the Michael Myers House and Nichols' Hardware Store at the corner of Mission and Meridian in John Carpenter's Halloween. [Thanks to Kevin]
Filmed in the same L.A. high school where Grease (1978) was made. [Thanks to Ashley]
"trax", where Molly Ringwald's character worked is at the 3rd street promenade in santa monica, CA. (it's now a bar) [Thanks to Mike Flores]
Other locations used include Meridian Ave. in South Pasadena, CA.
Many of Hughe's films take place in Illinois towns and supposedly "Pretty In Pink" takes place in Elgin, Il. (in one scene there is a street cleaning machine which says Elgin. It is possible that the film does take place in or near Elgin but I thought I should also point out that "Elgin" is the name brand of widely-used street sweepers. The fact that the sweeper says "Elgin" on the back does not necessarily indicate that it's sweeping a street in Elgin, IL. [Thanks to Chola & Dev] Liz adds that if you look closely the license plates actually say Illinois. Jason H adds: The movie was not set in Elgin. The street sweeper is an Elgin Pelican, this does not indicate a location.
Regarding the Elgin connection, Solomon Ellis kindly wrote in to say that "The movie must be filmed in Elgin IL for two reasons. I live in Chicago and have been through Elgin and recognize certain areas. Also, when she leaves the club and gets into her car, her license plates show the then current Illinois style."
When Molly Ringwald's character (Andie) decides to go to the prom and sees Duckie waiting at the top of the stairs, that location is at the Biltmore Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. The entrance molly's character uses is Grand Ave. [Thanks to Mike Flores]
Can you help? Particularly with exact street adresses.? Please Update Us
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