Night of the Demons Movie Filming Locations

Night of the Demons Locations

Angela is having a party. Jason and Freddy are too scared to come, but you'll have a HELL of a time

Locations Notes

Rewind the locations where they filmed the 1987 Horror / Occult movie starring Alvin Alexis, Allison Barron, Lance Fenton, Billy Gallo

Hal Havins, Cathy Podewell, Linnea Quigley, Philip Tanzini, Jill Terashita, Harold Ayer, Marie Denn, Karen Ericson, Amelia Kinkade, Don Jeffcoat, James W. Quinn, Clark Jarrett Update Cast

Locations Manager(s): Edward T. Parmalee

Night of the Demons Filming Locations:

I've only been able to identify a few locations from "Night of the Demons" and it's sequels. The main house in the film was once a huge old rambling dump at the corner of 1368 West Adams, Los Angeles, but it's been demolished and is now a Ralph's. [Thanks to William Uchtman]

The Old Man's house is at 2830 Menlo Avenue, Los Angeles, but it has been remodeled. [Thanks to William Uchtman]

Max and Frannie emerge from the house at 1346 29th Street, Los Angeles. No other locations are known. The private school in Night of the Demons 2 is somewhere in Altadena, CA. The new Hull House in Night of the Demons 3 was the Honore Mercier House overlooking Lae Saint Louis in Beauharnois, Quebec, but it has since been demolished. [Thanks to William Uchtman]

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1987 Republic Pictures
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