Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life Movie Filming Locations

Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life Locations

It took God 6 days to create the Earth, and Monty Python just 90 minutes to screw it up

Locations Notes

Rewind the locations where they filmed the 1983 Comedy movie starring Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle

Terry Jones, Michael Palin, Carol Cleveland, Matt Frewer, Simon Jones, Andrew Maclachlan, Monty Python, Patricia Quinn, George Silver, Valerie Whittington, Imogen Bickford-Smith, Myrtle Devenish, Mark Holmes, Peter Lovstrom, Jennifer Franks, Angela Mann Update Cast

Locations Manager(s): Peter Kohn

The Meaning Of Life Filming Locations:

The Meaning of Life was filmed on location in England and Scotland.

London's Battersea Power Station was used for the race

Porchester Hall, Porchester Road, London W2 - restaurant in which Mr Creosote explodes. [Thanks to David Boothroyd]

The Royal Masonic School of Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, England was used for the "School Days" segment. This, is of course, also Indiana Jones's college

The 'every sperm is sacred' song was film at Cartwright Hall, Lister Park, Bradford, Yorkshire, England. [Thanks to David Kellett]

"Would you Rather be Elsewhere?" scene where Palin is planning to march the boys up and down the square was filmed at the former Colchester Garrison in Essex, although the location has since been turned into houses. [Thanks to Ruaihre Leslie]

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