Lawrence Monoson, Diane Franklin, Steve Antin, Joe Rubbo
Kimmy Robertson, Louisa Moritz, Brian Peck, Tessa Richarde, Winifred Freedman, Gerri Idol, Sandy Sprung, Paul Keith, Phil Rubenstein, Roberto Rodriquez, Blanche Rubin, Michael Chieffo, Leslie Simms, Harry Bugin, Julianna McCarthy, Mel Welles Update Cast
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Los Angeles -1982.
Fast food, fast cars and Valley Girls. New wave fashions and the driving, throbbing beat of the hot new hits.
If you've ever been a teenager, you'll love this funny, provocative movie about growing up -and facing the tough issues of loyalty friendship, teen pregnancy and responsibility...
Gary has a job, friends and a problem. He desperately needs to lose his virginity. He's the "Everyteen", constantly searching for the "right time" but it never comes. He's also a more romantic soul than his friends.
"The Last American Virgin" introduces us to Gary (Lawrence Monoson) and his friends, Rick (Steve Antin) and David (Joe Rubbo). Rick is the good-looking chisled one. He's the best friend that likes action and can spot it from across the room. David dines at the local drive-in a little too much and always keeps track of the three's finances. (David always has the money but inexplicably is never seen working.)
Gary spots Karen (Diane Franklin, best remembered as the French exchange student from "Better Off Dead") at the local hang-out and his eyes widen, his pulse quickens and he does the craziest thing he can think of, he orders the same ice cream flavor as she does (endearing to the end). From here, it's a never ending pining for the enormously cute love interest. Gary gets a foot in the door by driving her to school one day and he thinks the deal is done ...but, as he finds out, nothing is as it seems.
All the while, Gary finds himself coerced by his friends to try to get any girl and "do the deed". On the way, Gary finds himself dealing with stubborn bra straps and artificial sweetener acting as coke (which ends in a hilarious shell game between a would-be score for David and Gary's mom), a Spanish nymphomaniac (who yearns for her dear Paco's return while "teaching Spanish" to the boys), a chain-smoking lady of the night, cures for crabs and a car going in the ocean. All the while keeping a job delivering Pink Pizza and going to high school.
The party scene at friend's place sets the dynamic for the rest of the movie. Gary starts to hit the bottle early and ends up finding out his biggest rival for Karen's affection ends up being his best friend, Rick(!). Gary is devastated and not even the wily charms of Rose (Kimmy Robertson of Twin Peaks) can sway him from his quest for Karen. (When there's a pool scene at a party, is it law that somebody unwittingly ends up soaked?) Gary spends a lot of time staring in Karen and Rick's direction with a "I-can't-believe-this-is-happening" look on his face.
The big hoo-ha happens when Gary finds out Rick has had his way with Karen AND is unwilling to help her when he finds out that she's pregnant! So, now, the friendship is fraying, but, Gary continues to adore Karen (ignoring the "two to tango" understanding) by giving her the help she needs. There's a very moving scene when Karen goes to the Clinic to "solve" her problem.
After all that, Gary knows for sure that she's come around to him. But, the twist at the end is about the most heart-wrenching that any comedy movie could ever spawn.
This is wrapped in a soundtrack that would make an 80's afficiando drool. 'Devo', 'Blondie', and 'The Cars' are only the tip of this musical iceberg. There are few movies that can rival the hits contained.
Prizewinning director Boaz Davidson (of "Lemon Popsicle" and "Going Steady") penetrates the world of todays teen from their own point of view.
By far, "The Last American Virgin" digs into facets of adolescent reality that many teen films of the 80's only touched. Gary's torture sitting next to Karen and Rick is only one example.
On the other hand, it also showcases an absurdity that we all wished high school had (or maybe just me!).
"The Last American Virgin" is, quite possibly, the best Drama-Comedy that came out of the 80's. It hits on every issue so diligently and hard. As a rule, so many teen films of the time took the role of one or the other. LAV makes you laugh at the outrageousness of a nymphomaniac ready to service the boys to scenes that are so real that crying isn't an option, it's necessary.
Granted, this wasn't oscar material then or now. The acting in many palces is lackluster but forgivable. It even noticably changes from day to night and back again in more than one scene. But as an 80's movie, it is absolutely essential.
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Key Crew
Director: Boaz Davidson
Writer: Boaz Davidson
Producers: Yoram Globus, Menahem Golan, David Womark
Locations Manager: Gary McNett
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Release Date: 30 Jul 1982
MPAA Rating: R
Studio: Cannon Films
Production: Hollywood-European Productions
Genre: Teen Drama
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