The thing that won't die, in the nightmare that won't end.
It will never, ever, stop...until you are dead.
"Er, someone wasn't on top of their game that day..."
See the goofs, blunders and plain ole mistakes in the 1984 Action / Adventure movie starring
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Michael Biehn, Paul Winfield
Lance Henriksen, Earl Boen, Bess Motta, Rick Rossovich, Dick Miller, Shawn Schepps, Bruce M. Kerner, Franco Columbu, Brad Rearden, Brian Thompson, William Wisher Jr., David Kristin Update Cast
We believe the following are all legit mistakes. If we've bungled it, or you have additional info, please update us.
Thanks to Chad
When the gas truck is about to be blown up with the pipe bomb, you can see a cable towing the truck in the last few frames.Thanks to Clayton
At the end of the movie when "The Terminator" pulls himself from the rubble after beng hit by a lorry you can clearly see a silhouette in the background pulling a lever which operates the robotic version of Arnie.Thanks to Edward Fong
In the famous scene where Arnold says "I'll be back", his sunglasses, purposefully worn by the Terminator to hide the fact that he had surgically removed his prosthetic eyeball, are not tinted sufficiently to hide the fact that it's just a movie and that this Terminator does indeed have both of his eyeballs still.Thanks to Dave
Towards the end of the movie, when the terminator breaks through the door leading into the factory, you can see a man kneeling down, controlling the exoskeleton.Thanks to Mark McGinley
When the Terminator crashes the car into the police station the cop notices the lights from the car approching but when they show the car about to crash into the doors the car lights are not on.Thanks to Anonymous
When the Terminator crashes into the wall during the first chase, the cop finds his car empty. This is a goof because the Terminator, as we know him, would not have left without ensuring Sarah was dead, no matter how damaged he was or who else was on the scene.Thanks to Anonymous
When The Terminator's stolen police car is shown up close in the parking structure, the motto on the left side of it reads "to care and to protect."After the car crashes, you can see the motto on the left side again, but this time it reads "Dedicated to serve."
Bogus Blunders
Sometimes an apparent goof is not a real mistake
The following goofs for "The Terminator" are apparently bogus. If you disagree or have additional info, please update us.When The Terminator kills off the first Sarah Connor, the news bulletin says she is survived by her two children... The Terminator was suppose to stop Sarah Connor's son becoming the leader of the rebellion... seeing that she already had two children, why did The Terminator also not kill them off??... Remember The Terminator did not know who the right Sarah Connor was.
This is not a valid goof - The Terminator did not kill the incorrect Sarah's children because he was sent back in time to terminate Sarah Connor before her son is born. Skynet knew when John was born and sent Arnold back before then. Anyone already born at this time is definitely not John Connor.
This is not a valid goof - The Terminator did not kill the incorrect Sarah's children because he was sent back in time to terminate Sarah Connor before her son is born. Skynet knew when John was born and sent Arnold back before then. Anyone already born at this time is definitely not John Connor.
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