She was the woman of his dreams... she had large dark eyes, a beautiful smile and a great pair of fins.
Darryl Hannah
"Er, someone wasn't on top of their game that day..."
See the goofs, blunders and plain ole mistakes in the 1984 Romantic Comedy movie starring
Tom Hanks, John Candy, Daryl Hannah, Eugene Levy (I)
Dody Goodman, Shecky Greene, Eugene Levy, Richard B. Shull, Bobby Di Cicco, Howard Morris, Tony DiBenedetto, Patrick Cronin, Charles Walker, David Knell, Jeff Doucette, Royce D. Applegate, Tony Longo, Nora Denney, Charles Macaulay Update Cast
We believe the following are all legit mistakes. If we've bungled it, or you have additional info, please update us.
Rewind Archive
When Daryl Hannah emerges out of the water for the first time, she is supposed to be naked, but you can clearly see jean shorts on her behindThanks to Sian
Madison has 6 days to stay in N.Y.C. before the next full moon. When you see the moon, it is more and more full each time. But the moon gets fuller from the right side to the left side and the moon in the movie gets full from the left to the right. Waxing and waning are the stages.Bogus Blunders
Sometimes an apparent goof is not a real mistake
But, nothing bogus that we know yet for "Splash".
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1984 Touchstone Pictures
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