Marriage can be murder when your inlaws are outlaws
The Mob...
"Er, someone wasn't on top of their game that day..."
See the goofs, blunders and plain ole mistakes in the 1988 Romantic Comedy movie starring
Michelle Pfeiffer, Matthew Modine, Dean Stockwell, Mercedes Ruehl
Oliver Platt, Alec Baldwin, Paul Lazar, Captain Haggerty, Frank Acquilino, Charles Napier, Joan Cusack, Ellen Foley, O-Lan Jones, Jason Allen, Diane Puccerella, Suzanne Puccerella, Anthony J. Nici, Tara Duckworth, Frank Ferrara, Frank Gio Update Cast
We believe the following are all legit mistakes. If we've bungled it, or you have additional info, please update us.
Rewind Archive
I checked the IMDb to see if a mistake I'd noticed in Married To The Mob was listed in the "goofs" section. I couldn't find it so here it is: During the shoot-out in the honeymoon suite there is a badly timed sequence that I can't get over. When one of Tony's goons takes a shot at Matthew Modine, the bullet hits a bottle that explodes BEHIND Modine's head. The thing is Modine was supposed to move his head as if he was dodging the bullet, then the bottle would break but he was a second late and instead the bottle explodes THEN Modine moves his head. Good thing it's a movie otherwise he would have ended up with a bullethole right between the eyes.Thanks to Donna
During the scene where Angela and Al are standing outside on the balcony and she gives him the ring with the bug in it, you see the microphone make its appearance through that entire scene. I don't see how they could miss it.Thanks to Amy
When Dean and Michelle are out on the balcony at the motel, you can clearly see the boom mike in the shot .Thanks to Anonymous
In the scene at the hotel Tony sees Mike coming in the door in different outfits. One of the times he's wearing a policeman's uniform which you never see him wearing in any other scene.Thanks to Anonymous
When she's getting her haircut, she comes in with the yellow and blue uniform, leaves wearing a leopard blouse then shows up at home wearing the uniform again.Bogus Blunders
Sometimes an apparent goof is not a real mistake
But, nothing bogus that we know yet for "Married To The Mob".
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1988 Orion Pictures
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