Some guys get all the brakes!
Richard Masur's hilarious performance as Les's dad.
"Er, someone wasn't on top of their game that day..."
See the goofs, blunders and plain ole mistakes in the 1988 Comedy movie starring
Corey Haim, Corey Feldman, Heather Graham, Richard Masur
Carol Kane, James Avery, Michael Manasseri, Harvey Miller, Michael A. Nickles, Nina Siemaszko, Grant Goodeve, Michael Ensign, Helen Hanft, Christopher Burton, Jill Jaress, Kimberly Hope, Parley Baer, Bernie Pock, Jon Conrad Pochron Update Cast
We believe the following are all legit mistakes. If we've bungled it, or you have additional info, please update us.
Thanks to Daniel Zubiate
The scene where the car is being towed, Heather Graham runs to watch. In this shot, you can see it was printed backwards (as to have her looking the in the proper direction). This is noticable by the signs on the buildings behind her.Thanks to David Jones
When the Caddy rolls across the lawn, the Audi can be seen in the driveway after Natalie supposedly has driven off in it.Thanks to David Jones
After the drunk man drives off in the Caddy, Les, Dean, and Charles get in the Volkswagen, Charles says they can't take the car and Les says "Yeah? Well, he took our car. We're gonna take his!", but if you look closely, you'll see that Les's lips are not moving when he says it.Thanks to Daniel Zubiate
In the scene when they are at Archie's Atomic. Dean (Corey Feldman) gets in the car and the camera dollies over. In the reflection of the car, you can see the face of one of the crew members.Thanks to Jessica (CoreyLover)
When Les is inside eating with his family, Dean is outside honking relentlessly. After a while, Les's parents yell "Get out!" and the honking suspiciously stops... How did Dean know that Les's parents had excused Les from the table?Thanks to Gav Crabb
In the dream sequence at the beginning of the movie and the school bus is ramming the back of the Ferrari, the rear of the car is as high as the hood on the bus, but when we see the bus chasing the car, you can see it is much lower, obviosly the car was on the back of a flatbed truck for filming.Thanks to Gav Crabb
After Les picks up Dean and Charles in the Caddy and they are driving down the road, as the camera view changes from int to ext shots you can see that the rear view mirror has disappeared from the windscreen, this had to be done though or it would of been right in front of Dean's face for the ext shot.Thanks to OUTOFPHAZE
In the scene at time 1:12:30 through 1:13:00, after the drunk driver crashes, we can see the Caddy is very wrecked on that side showing damages from the front of the car to back. In the scene at time 1:13:50, dropping off friends, and 1:17:00 in the drive way, the Caddy is cleaned up, and the damage to that side is much, much less.Thanks to Adam Juhl
In the party scene where Mercedes stops in the door way you can see a dog collar on here left wrist. But when she starts moving again the dog collar is on her right wrist.Thanks to gav richards
At the very beginning after Les has jumped out the bus window, as he runs toward the Ferrari you can see that there is no license plate on the front of the car, but in the next shot as it slides around the corner a license plate has magically appeared...Rewind Archive
When the two Corey's are riding down the hill on a bike, you can see the bike is really a 3 wheeler, to assist the balancing!Thanks to Stephanie Norman
In the movie Les doesn't leave the house until close to midnight. How could Shakeys Pizza and Archie's Still be open so late? Les had picked up Mercedes, took her to the club where the caddy almost got towed, they got the car back and drove up to that mountain hill and they danced, caves in the hood then she passed out. He goes to Deans to have him fix the hood, then they eventually end up in front of a Shakeys at probably two am by now. How would it still be open? Also Archie's is open when it is probably around 3 something in the morning?Bogus Blunders
Sometimes an apparent goof is not a real mistake
But, nothing bogus that we know yet for "License To Drive".
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1988 20th Century Fox
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