Highlander Movie Goofs / Mistakes

Highlander Goofs

There can be only one.
Highlander Picture
"This is the Quickening... "


"Er, someone wasn't on top of their game that day..."
See the goofs, blunders and plain ole mistakes in the 1986 Action / Adventure movie starring Christopher Lambert, Roxanne Hart, Clancy Brown, Sean Connery

Beatie Edney, Alan North, Sheila Gish, Jon Polito, Hugh Quarshie, Christopher Malcolm, Peter Diamond, Billy Hartman, James Cosmo, Celia Imrie, Alistair Findlay, Edward Wiley, James McKenna, John Cassady, Ian Reddington, Sion Tudor Owen Update Cast

We believe the following are all legit mistakes. If we've bungled it, or you have additional info, please update us.

Thanks to Mikael Hedman
When MacLeod is hanging in the air after killing Kurgan, you can see the wires used to lift the actor up in the air, when the lights reflects on them.
Thanks to James P. Brian
The 45 cal. revolver that Christopher Lambert pulled from a drawer @ the girls' house, was pulled from the WRONG drawer. The gun was actually put in the 2nd drawer by the girl herself!
Thanks to Rafael Orduna
When Connor is confronted by his cousin Dugal upon returning from his first death in 1536, he argues that the two have been kinsmen for 20 years. Later, he confesses to Brenda that he was born in 1518. That means that at the time of Connor's confrontation with Dugal, he would only have been about 18 years old!
Thanks to Alex
In the scene at the NY bridge where the Kurgan drives madly, swinging from side to side, you can see the sparks from the impacts sparking just a second before the car actually hits the side-protections of the road.
Thanks to Ed Passmore
During the fight in the alley the old couple drive into the alley in one car and out with another that is even a different make!

Bogus Blunders

Sometimes an apparent goof is not a real mistake

But, nothing bogus that we know yet for "Highlander".
Next: Some Extra Goodies
1986 Highlander Productions Ltd.
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