Threads Movie Quotes / Links

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The end of the world as we know it...
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Post nuclear reality


Favorite movie quotes and links for the 1984 Drama movie starring Karen Meagher, Reece Dinsdale, David Brierly, Rita May

Nicholas Lane, Jane Hazlegrove, Henry Moxon, Paul Vaughan, June Broughton, Sylvia Stoker, Harry Beety, Ruth Holden, Ashley Barker, Michael O'Hagan, Phil Rose, Steve Halliwell, Brian Grellis, Peter Faulkner, Anthony Collin, Michael Ely, Sharon Baylis Update Cast

The following lines from Threads are apparently the real deal. If you disagree or have additional info, please update us.

Thanks to Anonymous
In an urban society,
everything connects.
Each person's needs are fed
by the skills of many others.
Our lives are woven together in a fabric,
but the connections that make
society strong also make it vulnerable.

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