We've got one for the 80s compliments of the great Bernie Lomax,yep! You all thought he was dead but really he's hiding out in australia!
Always liked this track - my brother's eyes - https://youtu.be/k_pcEN6B3i0 - by eric Barnett that plays over the opening titles of 1991's - kickboxer 2 starring - Sasha mitchell.
Anyone else got any favourite tracks that they first heard in a 90s movie?
[ 11. February 2016, 12:49: Message edited by: the young warrior ]
Posted by the young warrior (Member # 9554) on :
Also I like this track which I first actually heard in 1991's - career opportunities starring the beautiful - Jennifer connelly and the fun - frank Whaley and that's - johnny clegg's and savuka's - cool crazy beautiful world - https://youtu.be/axf_DLjfDsM
Posted by the young warrior (Member # 9554) on :
This is one movie track I really do like - Gregg Tripp's - I don't want to live without you - https://youtu.be/PcTNtC-oP7A - which i first heard in the 1992 - Christain Slater comedy thriller - kuffs
Posted by Peter Lemonjello (Member # 37395) on :
Wish I could find a clean copy of this song from the excellent Best of the Best 3: No Turning Back.
That's the trouble peter a lot of these movie soundtrack songs are so obscure,iTunes never seem to acquire them and unless you're lucky enough to purchase the soundtrack (if its available) upon its original release and before it goes out of print you are pretty much stuffed either that or you end up having to pay top dollar for it!
Great song by the way,have best of the best 1 & 2 on DVD which are both great fun and i need to check out part 3 again sometime.
[ 12. February 2016, 05:06: Message edited by: the young warrior ]
Posted by Peter Lemonjello (Member # 37395) on :
Yeah, a real whistful road movie type tune, and no... a clean copy will probably never surface.
I like that part 3 sheds the martial arts tournament formula and tries something different. Quite the underrated 90's action flick.
Posted by Peter Lemonjello (Member # 37395) on :
Another good one from a great film. Actually there are several decent tracks on this OST.
Some really great tracks guys and a reminder of some really great movies,not seen - if looks could kill (or teen agent as I watched it as) for quite some time now but can remember it being a blast,can't hardly wait I thought was a lot of fun as was - with honors and high fidelity.
You beat me to the punch with - wild horses kevdug as I thought about that one last night when I originally started the thread,terrific song from a really great & tense 90s thriller.
Posted by the young warrior (Member # 9554) on :
https://youtu.be/pm5V8DZazvI - in dreams by John Waite which I think is a really cool track which I first ever heard in the 1993 classic thriller - true romance starring Christian Slater and the beautiful - Patricia arquette.
Posted by kevdugp73 (Member # 5978) on :
Yes Warrior...this version of Wild horses is actually one of my all time fav songs.
There was an instrumental in True Romance that I really liked...but can't remember the name of it right now....
Posted by the young warrior (Member # 9554) on :
I'd imagine it's - you're so cool - https://youtu.be/iLwzl6fWDtE by Hans zimmer - a great piece of music to what is in my opinion a really great movie!
I haven't got that many soundtracks but this is one of them,couple of other random ones that I own - the lost boys,St Elmo's fire,midnight express,days of thunder,trick or treat,rocky 4 and over the top.
Posted by kevdugp73 (Member # 5978) on :
Awesome...thanks warrior...that is it! Funny memory....me and my wife have been together for almost 20 years, and back in the day when I first started making mix CDs....yes...CDs....not mix tapes (that was earlier in my life), I put this song at the end of one of the CDs I made for my wife! It's a short song and I remember not wanting to waste any space on the CD!
Similar to my DVD collecting (buying ONLY movies from the 80's), I also do the same for music CDs...I buy/collect only CDs from the 80's, and only original album stuff (no compilations), with the exception of soundtracks. I don't have tons of soundtracks, but have: Purple Rain, Top Gun, Quicksilver, Footloose, The Lost Boys, Some Kind Of Wonderful, Flashdance, and Less Than Zero....a handful more on cassette....Pretty In Pink, Breakfast club, etc.
Posted by Peter Lemonjello (Member # 37395) on :
Love this song ending one of my favorite films from the 90's.
Great song Peter...hadn't heard that one before. Gotta love Mickey...wish he could have kept things together back in the day...easily could have maintained superstar status. He's made a decent little come back...but still a little freaky looking! Shame....
Posted by Peter Lemonjello (Member # 37395) on :
He could rightfully be considered an A-lister in the latter half of the 80's, but the ill-fated decision to resume his boxing career in the early 90's put a stop to that. He was relegated to small indie films and B to Z grade movies after that.
Also, the heavy reconstructive surgery needed on his face after the many fights sadly made him another Hollywood plastic surgery addict.... and yes, we've all seen the result. Personally I still think he made some good films after his glory days, like Bullet, F.T.W., Last Outlaw and I have a weakness for his ridiculous villain turn in the equally ridiculous Van Damme flick Double Team. He was still somewhat presentable in the early to mid naughts, but nowadays... yeeesh.
Posted by the young warrior (Member # 9554) on :
I second everything you guys are saying, awesome movie - Harley Davidson and the Marlboro man, great song to and mickey Rourke is such a talented actor and its just a pity now that he seems to be restricted to doing all these direct to video low budget action flicks!
Posted by the young warrior (Member # 9554) on :
https://youtu.be/AlloG-2bbeM - new star by - tears for fears which plays over the opening credits of the excellent 1994 comedy drama - threesome starring Stephen baldwin,Josh Charles and Lara flynn Boyle.
Posted by Peter Lemonjello (Member # 37395) on :
Love Tears for Fears, and had totally forgot about threesome. Hard to believe that at one point Stephen Baldwin was a thing. Well, for about five minutes, but still. Oh those Baldwin family dinners must be awkward on so many levels.
Posted by J2ME (Member # 5728) on :
That's a wicked track j2me, not watched - the silence of the lambs in so long,definitely need to rewatch again soon!
Posted by kevdugp73 (Member # 5978) on :
Cool song J2...nice 80's feel to it!
Also like "Spin The Bottle" by The Juliana Hatfield Three"...Reality Bites Soundtrack....
What's - reality bites like kevdug is it a good movie?,I had a chance of picking it up cheap way back but for some reason passed on it but since reading a couple of reviews and watching the trailer I've regretted it!
It won't let me access the video through the link kevdug,it might be a UK copyright issue!
Posted by kevdugp73 (Member # 5978) on :
I just watched the trailer for a refresher warrior...my answer is...I have no foggy idea!! Believe it or not, this was also 20 years ago...I suspect I saw it then, but don't remember too much about it. The soundtrack was just always "there" among my CDs. May check it out again too. *I re-tried the clip and it seems to work. Try checking out the song through another link...a catchy tune!
Posted by Logan 5 (Member # 1467) on :
It was one of those uber-hip movies back in the day. Very very early 90's and navel gazey, with every character resembling a hipster philosopher. Having said that, I recall enjoying it, even if I didn't like the 'vibe' of the time.
Posted by the young warrior (Member # 9554) on :
Cheers for your take on it Logan,i'll definitely check it out at some point!
https://youtu.be/NKK41Ixlj6E - deal for life by john waite from the 1990 tom cruise stock car racing drama - days of thunder.
Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
There's only one movie that immediately comes to mind..
Eventually i did find the original vinyl album It'll End In Tears (1984)... in my own record collection ! Apparently i had this all along, even prior to watching Lost Highway..
Ah well, that happens sometimes.. Posted by Irwin Fletcher (Member # 37368) on :
[ 08. March 2016, 16:14: Message edited by: the young warrior ]
Posted by the young warrior (Member # 9554) on :
https://youtu.be/TQIWZme11iw - I'm Awake Now by the Goo Goo Dolls from 1991's Freddy's Dead The Final Nightmare
Posted by the young warrior (Member # 9554) on :
https://youtu.be/i7a8Od1Jlrg - Come The Day by Midge Ure from 1990's fun futuristic action adventure Class Of 1999.
[ 20. October 2016, 16:51: Message edited by: the young warrior ]
Posted by Pyro (Member # 7658) on :
quote:Originally posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless: There's only one movie that immediately comes to mind..
Eventually i did find the original vinyl album It'll End In Tears (1984)... in my own record collection ! Apparently i had this all along, even prior to watching Lost Highway..
Ah well, that happens sometimes..
Excellent pick! I couldn't pick one favorite song from the Lost Highway Soundtrack as the whole thing is easily one of my favorite Sndtrks of the 90's. Not too surprising though considering I was already a pretty huge Trent Reznor & NIN fan at the time. But it did introduce me to the great German Industrial band that is Rammstein for the first time, as I'm sure it did many others as well.
[ 23. October 2016, 15:32: Message edited by: Pyro ]
Posted by the young warrior (Member # 9554) on :
Found Rocky 5 overall to be a slightly disappointing sequel but one thing I did like about it was the end credits song by Elton John called Measure Of A Man - https://youtu.be/E4J-23XKYXk