"The story follows Holly Gooding (Barrymore), who moves from New York City to Los Angeles after being implicated in a murder. She is followed by what is apparently her evil twin. While in LA, she finds a room for rent by a writer and the two begin a love affair. After some strange occurrences, it becomes less and less clear whether the woman is in fact Holly or her Doppelgänger. (Wikipedia)
Doppelganger is a decent supernatural thriller directed by Avi Nesher, the same dude who directed "She" back in ī82. The movie stars Drew Barrymore, George Newbern, Leslie Hope and Dennis Christopher.
Itīs clearly a b-movie but itīs never boring so i enjoyed watching it. Barrymore doesnīt convince but damn she looks good Newbern acts and looks always the same, no matter if itīs comedy or horror.
The soundtrack pretty much sucks so the atmosphere never rises nowhere near the 80s standards.
The ending is pure wtf material, something you donīt expect and it includes some great old school special effects.
What are your thoughts of this crazy little movie?