Watched this one again.....I hadn't seen it since the early 90s.....I accidentally clicked on the first page of the "what's the last 90s movie you watched" it Jay Lee had brought up The People Under the Stairs and how it stared Kelly Jo Minter, Ali Langer and Ed and Nadine from Twin Peaks....that was all I needed to want to re watch it!
Really creepy.........and the one guy Roach from under the stairs kept making me think of the guy from The Burbs? lol
It's really a great campy, funny horror movie.......any fans? favorite parts?
Posted by amaranth (Member # 8882) on :
Brill film not seen it for years i remember the owners of the house were like crazy fetish people and they had these scary dogs. I remember the wee boy in it saves their daughter ah its been such a long time will need to track that one down
Posted by Devolution (Member # 1731) on :
Devolution here,
I always thought it was a vastly underappreciated movie due to it's uniqueness and concept. The kid with no tongue is great and has been in ton of movies since then in little parts like the annoying guy in "That Thing You Do".
It's a better movie when you are teen, but it's more than watchable now.
We are DEVO
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Itīs a good movie. Wes Craven was still rockinī and rolling in the early 90s.
I remember that it got many pages in Fangoria magazine back in the day.
Posted by Crash (Member # 7484) on :
Devo and aTomik, as usual, I agree. I liked this back in the day, though I haven't seen it in a long time. I like a lot of Wes Craven's stuff, but he can do dreck too, like "Shocker." Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
I like Shocker too, Crash. If you watch it more as a comedy with horror elements, it will work. Not vice versa Posted by the young warrior (Member # 9554) on :
i'm a big fan of both people under the stairs and shocker,i know wes craven made both of these in a 3 movie picture deal for production company alive films , the 3rd movie was the excellent the serpent and the rainbow and i felt all 3 delivered the goods.
the one wes craven movie i've never really took to was 2005's cursed starring christina ricci,turned out very disappointing!
[ 07. August 2011, 10:28: Message edited by: the young warrior ]
Posted by Lovers with Cassie (Member # 7794) on :
quote:Originally posted by Devolution:
The kid with no tongue is great and has been in ton of movies since then in little parts like the annoying guy in "That Thing You Do".
We are DEVO
That is Sean Whalen, who plays Roach.
I have never seen this, incidentally.
Posted by Ronnie (Member # 465) on :
I used to watch this movie a lot when it first came out. It's been on netflix instant watch so I definitely need to check it out again.
I remember Roach as the annoying co worker in Never Been Kissed! ha
Posted by The Good Package (Member # 9492) on :
the man and woman that live in that house remind me of my mom and dad.
just kidding.
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
Great,underappreciated flick! I got it a couple years ago, during Halloween, for like $5.00 at Walmart.
Posted by Pyro (Member # 7658) on :
I definitely loved watching this one back in the day. Haven't seen in a good while so I'll have to revisit it to see if it still holds up for me.
Posted by Chloe (Member # 37365) on :
This is a horror film I actually haven't seen, and I've seen a lot in my life time.
Is this film good, is it scary?
Posted by Pyro (Member # 7658) on :
quote:Originally posted by Chloe: This is a horror film I actually haven't seen, and I've seen a lot in my life time.
Is this film good, is it scary?
Chloe, I wouldn't say this is anywhere near being Craven's best or scariest films. It is a pretty cheesy comedy horror with not-so-subtle attempts at humor throughout. I say it is worth one viewing if you've never seen. But not so much one that needs to be permanently added to your movie library.