"Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken" is the story of Sonora Webster, a teenage runaway during the Depression. Her life's ambition is to travel to Atlantic City, where "all your dreams come true." After leaving home she accepts a job from Dr. Carver and his girl-and-horse high diving act. Starting out as a stable hand her goal is to become a real diving girl. Dr. Carver's son, Al, helps her in her quest by helping her tame a wild horse she's named Lightning. Their early morning practices lead not only to Sonora being put into training as a diving girl, but also for Al's emotions for Sonora to begin to surface. Al leaves after an argument with his father and the diver girl, Marie, is injured in a practice. Sonora finally takes her place and becomes a real diving girl. The act is thriving but fairgrounds are suffering hard times and the show is closed. Al comes back with the surprise revelation of getting the act booked in Atlantic City.
There is more to the movie, but I don't want to spoil it for anyone that might eventually watch it.
Okay.. I caught this on the Encore Love channel.. so that should be a tip off for what I got, but I must admit that it was quite an inspiring 'based on a true story' flick.
The main reason that I watched it was because it was actually Michael Schoeffling's (Jake Ryan) final movie before leaving Hollywood to make furniture somewhere in Pennsylvania. I personally think Michael Schoeffling was such an underrated actor.
Gabrielle Anwar gave an amazing performance as Sonora. I never really knew her from much until "Scent Of A Woman", but this movie is a must for her fans.
Posted by Veronica Sawyer (Member # 2221) on :
Valley, I have loved this movie since it came out! I always loved the fearlessness of Gabrielle Anwar's character and the love story between her and Michael Schoeffling. Always wondered why Gabrielle didn't get better roles after this....She did such a good job with this one.
Another character I like is the red-haired guy who is trying to become an inventor. Kinda reminded me of Courtney Gains in a way.
Posted by Ronnie (Member # 465) on :
valley, i love this movie. i own it on vhs and have only played it twice maybe. but i saw it a butt load of times on cable over the years.
i never liked gabrielle anwar too much in this...don't know what it was. but the father/son story with the michael schoeffling 's character and his dad was done really well.
it's funny you bring this up, because i had pulled it out to watch with my cousins who hadn't seen it so long. we were going to do a chick flick movie night. and i brought this up and they were super excited when i told them i had it. so i am going to be watching this sometime next week - perfect timing.
wasn't gabrielle in another movie with michael j. fox? i don't remember the name but i think it was a 90s movie.
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
Ronnie.. the Michael J. Fox movie you are thinking of is:
"For Love or Money" from the 90's..
Posted by Ronnie (Member # 465) on :