Has anyone seen this little Christmas movie from the mid nineties, starring Kevin Spacey and Denis Leary?? I love love love it.. It's one of my top 5 favourite Christmas movies..
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
Sure I've seen the Ref. I thought it was OK. I was never a huge fan of Dennis Leary though.
Posted by Mr. Jack Burton (Member # 4673) on :
Ya, a lot of people don't really dig him, but I myself am a big fan. I don't know if it's his Irish sense of humour and heritage but he just cracks me up!! I loved him in this movie, his raw, edgy, sarcastic aggressive sense of humour is soooo, Irish.. We are a moody rowdy bunch of blokes and cailins!!
Posted by Pittsburghgirl (Member # 7514) on :
Mr. Jack Burton, have you seen Rescue Me? If you like Leary, you will love him in R.M.! I love his sense of humor, I'm Irish too. Maybe it is our heritage, I don't know, but I have always thought he was hilarious. R.M. is my favorite show right now, but it's not coming back until Spring 2009!
Posted by Mr. Jack Burton (Member # 4673) on :
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
Jack, I am 1/4 Irish myself....don't ask me from what part of Ireland though....I have no idea.
Posted by Mr. Jack Burton (Member # 4673) on :
1/4 is good enough so it is.. Yee hee ye haw he ho, stroke me clover!!
Posted by jdocster (Member # 5752) on :
That's a good movie!
"From now on, the only person who gets to yell is me. Why? Because I have a gun. People with guns get to do whatever they want. Married people without guns - for instance - you - DO NOT get to yell. Why? NO GUNS! No guns, no yelling. See? Simple little equation. " Posted by Mr. Jack Burton (Member # 4673) on :
quote:Originally posted by jdocster: That's a good movie!
"From now on, the only person who gets to yell is me. Why? Because I have a gun. People with guns get to do whatever they want. Married people without guns - for instance - you - DO NOT get to yell. Why? NO GUNS! No guns, no yelling. See? Simple little equation. "
You just made me laugh out loud.. Bless you!! That's a great line..
Although mine and my Dad's favourite of the movie is:
Jessie: 'Take me with you Gus'..
Gus: 'Take you with me? What am I the ****in circus'!!
Made my Dad cry tears of laughter when I first showed him this movie!!
Posted by Mr. Jack Burton (Member # 4673) on :
Remember this???
Gus: Is there a Murray there. Bartender: [to the patrons] Is there a Murray here? [Into the phone] Bartender: I don't think he's here, pal. Gus: See if there's a waste of ****ing life named Murray, try that. Bartender: [to the patrons] Is there a ****ing waste of life named Murray here? Murray: Gussy? Yeah that's me.
Posted by Mr. Jack Burton (Member # 4673) on :
Or how about Kevin Spacey's greatest speech ever??
Lloyd: You know, you and my wife have a lot in common. You both think you have some right to life working out the way you want it to, and when it doesn't, you get to act the way you want. The only trouble with that is someone has to be responsible. I'd love to run around and take classes and play with my inner-self! I'd love the freedom to be some ****ed-off criminal with no responsibilities, except I don't have the time! But you don't see me with a gun. And you don't see me sleeping with someone else. You think my life turned out the way I wanted because I live in this house? You think every morning I wake up, look in the mirror and say "Gee I'm glad I'm me and not some 19-year-old billionaire rockstar with the body of an athelete and a 24-hour erection!" No I don't! So just excuse the **** out of me!
Posted by jdocster (Member # 5752) on :
OK, now I have to watch it again! Posted by Mr. Jack Burton (Member # 4673) on :
quote:Originally posted by jdocster: OK, now I have to watch it again!
Please God do!! If your passing my house this weekend you can borrow my copy!!! Posted by Mr. Jack Burton (Member # 4673) on :
Well it's December so this baby is coming out this week or next at the latest.
Love this movie. I ask all Rewinders, no I beg you, see this if you haven't already, and if you have, see it again!! Posted by Mr. Jack Burton (Member # 4673) on :
Posted by Kash (Member # 297) on :
Saw it a while back, but I think it built it up too much as I'm a fan of both Denis Leary and Kev Spacey (Judy Davis is no hack either). I remember I'd just seen Spacey's tour de force performance in 'Swimming With Sharks' and Leary's 'Lock n' Load' routine, so I was probably expecting more. Still, I'll give it another go.
Posted by Mr. Jack Burton (Member # 4673) on :
Please do..
Posted by the young warrior (Member # 9554) on :
Watched The Ref aka Hostile Hostages for the first time in an absolute age the other night and i had forgotten just how much fun it was!
There are some really amusing moments here and I love the scene where the clueless police officers accidentally record over the surveillance tape of Dennis Leary's character breaking into the house with scenes from It's A Wonderful Life and the Sergeant on playback of the tape looks at them all in complete despair and they don't know where to put there faces. - very funny scene!
Also loved the finale with Leary impersonating the doctor at the Xmas dinner and just how chaotic it all became plus his incompetent partner in crime who just keeps adding to his woes!
A really fun watch in my opinion and one that I can perhaps see my self revisiting again over this Xmas period,well once I've got done with my annual yule tide viewings of both Gremlins and Christmas Vacation that is!
Great fun! 8/10.
https://youtu.be/s8uPvv3dj8E - A fun scene from The Ref where Dennis Leary comes face to face with a rather vicious Rottweiler dog.
[ 20. December 2016, 00:27: Message edited by: the young warrior ]