Did anyone else catch this snappy Reese Witherpoon performance? It was an HBO TV movie from back around '96. It starred Kiefer Sutherland as a whacked out killer who gives a ride to a young girl on the way to her grandmother's house. Sound familiar?? Big Bad Wolf?
Posted by valerievg24 (Member # 4952) on :
I did I love Reese's performance I thought she was so funny.
Posted by MotleyRulz (Member # 3598) on :
Great underrated performances by both Witherspoon and Sutherland. I found a copy at Wal-Mart about a year ago and snagged it for $3.88.........
Posted by Jessie the Sunflower Goddess (Member # 1877) on :
I think I got it for lik $5.50, you just can't pass those up!
Posted by JCWBobC (Member # 2525) on :
I got a screener of it for free about 2 months before it was released on video but for some reason never watched it. It's supposed to be excellent. They made a sequel with Natasha Lyon but I haven't had the chance to see that either.
Posted by cindymancini (Member # 679) on :
Oh my god Jessie, this movie is awesome! Seems like not too many people know about it. My friend Greg and I found it years ago and then bought the DVD when it came out. We quote it all the time.
Reese was hilarious. It was great to see her acting like such a badass and cursing. Her facial expressions are priceless in some scenes. I'll take this over Legally Blonde anyday. I love when Keiffer Sutherland cuts off her ponytail and she flips out on him. I also love the one line where she's like, "Mister, hey mister, are you going to kill me and do sex to my dead body?" I loose it everytime I hear that part. So over the top and ridiculous. I love it. How about Brittany Murphy. She was pretty freaky in this too eh?
Posted by JCWBobC (Member # 2525) on :
Brittany Murphy was in Freeway? I never knew that or I might have watched it sooner. I'll have to check it out now.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Watched Freeway (1996) and the sequel Freeway II: Confessions of a Trickbaby (1999).
I liked them both. 90s exploitation cinema at itīs best. The writer/director Matthew Bright is some kind of genius and i have to check out his other films too.
These films are rude, nasty, violent and sexy with characters so OTT you just canīt help but enjoy the ride.
Posted by the young warrior (Member # 9554) on :
I really enjoy Freeway (1996) with Sutherland,the sequel I have seen but don't remember enough to be able to comment on it,when I read Freeway on the message board I also thought of the 1988 thriller Freeway starring Darlanne Fluegel and Billy Drago which while not as much fun as Freeway (1996) is still not a bad little thriller .
Have you seen this one before Atomik?
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Havenīt got that one, warrior but our database tells me that it was released on vhs here in Finland so i have to keep my eyes open.
Drago with a bazooka? Thatīs one lethal combination if you ask me Posted by TerdNthePoolGGB (Member # 9818) on :
I'm with you guys. Thought Freeway was good. Reese was hilarious and her southern accent was perfect. Never saw the sequel.
Posted by Pyro (Member # 7658) on :
Had this on VHS at one time. Used to enjoy it but haven't seen in a long time. Will have to hunt down and watch again one day and see if it still holds up.