Have you noticed that in this board the topics that seem to get the most response are over films that have been tagged as controversial??
For example, Boys Don't Cry and Brokeback Mountain. Why is it that these topics seem to be more popular? What is your opinion on this subject?
Posted by Nice Guy Sammy_Hain (Member # 3150) on :
because controversial topics sparks more conversation.
Posted by annier (Member # 3305) on :
I think there more popular because they lead to discussions, differences of opinion, new topics etc etc
When we all agree that we love a film it doesn't leave much room for debate.
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
I disagree Posted by eightieschick (Member # 4385) on :
Whatever Valley. Anytime there's controversy, there's bound to be a debate.
Posted by MotleyRulz (Member # 3598) on :
Yeah it definitely is more interesting when people disagree (which is alot on here). There is no room for debate when folks always agree. Man how boring would that be? And when I say not agreeing on something, I mean one person thinking for themself and disagreeing or a whole clique of people disagreeing on a topic....
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
My comment that I posted was meant to be taken facetiously. I understand that controversy sparks interest and debate. Unfortunately, debate turns to anger then to personal attacks sometimes on here. And that I do not enjoy.
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
I agree... Posted by Stitch (Member # 2895) on :
"I disagree"
"Whatever Valley. Anytime there's controversy, there's bound to be a debate. "
"My comment that I posted was meant to be taken facetiously."
Hahhahahahaha... don't worry Valley, I'm sure 99.9% of us got the joke!
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
I just am totally impressed with the word "facetiously"...
Posted by eightieschick (Member # 4385) on :
quote:Originally posted by MotleyRulz: Yeah it definitely is more interesting when people disagree (which is alot on here). There is no room for debate when folks always agree. Man how boring would that be? And when I say not agreeing on something, I mean one person thinking for themself and disagreeing or a whole clique of people disagreeing on a topic....
Just remember that there is only one person here who is correct all of the time, and I mean ALL of the time. The rest of us are always wrong. We must not differ in opinion, lifestyle, income, family life, or favorite movies. If that person is wrong, it is always turned around to make it look like everyone else is at fault.
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
You must be talking about yourself.
Posted by rocksteadyflamethrower (Member # 1065) on :
(Austin Powers voice)
Saucer of milk, table two. Meow!
John Kilduff
Posted by Stitch (Member # 2895) on :
quote: Just remember that there is only one person here who is correct all of the time, and I mean ALL of the time. The rest of us are always wrong. We must not differ in opinion, lifestyle, income, family life, or favorite movies. If that person is wrong, it is always turned around to make it look like everyone else is at fault.
And there's only one person who drones on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.............and on and on and on.........and on and on and on and on and on................... when really? Who cares?
Posted by My other car's a Paul-sche..... (Member # 1022) on :
Not me. Unless people can't take a joke (or a hint)
Please assume not every post is a personal attack, and that 99.999% of the time, it's just a joke, whether you find it funny or not.
Jeez - not the post I thought my 1500th would be.... Posted by eightieschick (Member # 4385) on :
quote:Originally posted by ISIS: You must be talking about yourself.
No, Everyone knows who I am talking about. I am tired of the administrators here taking preference to one person, who personally attacks people here with her comments, for ex.- You've got a stick up your *** the size of a telephone pole. But if someone disagrees, it is hell on earth. I have the decency to respect everyone else's opinion, or lifestyle, or religion or home life.
Posted by Nick (Member # 404) on :
This thread has been brought to my attention (thanks Paul) and I feel compelled to answer this criticism before things get out of hand... Again.
I know that in any environment, there will inevitably be friction. Certain individuals or factions will not appreciate other individuals/factions attitudes. It's a big world and full of people with very different attitudes and these are simply gonna clash every now and then.
First, a caveat/disclaimer: I unfortunately have very little tolerance for dealing with petty disputes and I'm sorry for that. That's why Paul & Devo do such a great job round here in my opinion. They are very fair and hands-off in their attitudes. Live and let live and all that. I also hate to mention it again but I do personally pay for the site. It's true to say that I (not to mention the very nice people who cut me such a great deal hosting this server at a a significant loss probably) personally pay for these disputes to be published on the web and sometimes I feel very indignant about that, so I'm sorry if this comes off as a rant...
Right, the crux of the matter is that I'm simply not prepared to subsidise behaviour where people snipe personally at one another on these forums.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I only ever put up these forums under protest. I was always worried they would turn out to be just another pointless flame war and I knew that I had no patience to calmly arbitrate whilst my money was being spent on this endless, negative crap. Fortunately, Paul and Devo do it for me, but I take it personally when people suggest that the admins of this board favor certain people over all others. (That is simply not true I can tell you)
Please people: Use it nicely and fairly or lose it... I don't care if anyone doesn't like whathisname or doesn't get on with her or them. No personal attacks. Period. No excuses. No more.
Whoever you are throwing the muck, from now on there will be very little tolerance to it. I hate this schoolyard crap. A lot. Sorry
Swear out loud at your monitor if someone annoys you and then control yourself and leave it there. Please...
I'm sorry if this was a rant. It's just how I feel... -Your ever loving webmaster, Nick
Posted by Jessie the Sunflower Goddess (Member # 1877) on :
Okay guys now I didn't post this topic for anyone to get into an argument about it. That disturbs me that anytime someone brings up a certain subject someone has to come out with their claws out. I was really just wondering, in basic opinions, why some of these topics end up getting more posts!
Now let's all take a chill pill!!!!!! No more sad songs, to make you cry.....