so i guess this the best place to asked. I really like the Tom Cruise film Vanilla Sky.
I have read a lot of trivia on it and some of the hidden stuff is the most intresting I've seen in a film, but one thing I can't find out or figure out is who told Julia Guliane/Cameron Diaz that she was a 'F*** Buddy'?
Anyone help with this?
Thanks. Geoff aka saint in london
Posted by StevenHW (Member # 509) on :
Since there's no 2k Rewind Board yet, I think any discussion of 1990's or 2k movies should be put up here.
But if you want to REALLY tick off John/RockSteadyFlameThrower, then put it up on the "80's Movies" board.
Posted by Jessie the Sunflower Goddess (Member # 1877) on :
Oh yeah Saint, put something about 2000 or higher in 80s. I bet you he will pick it out in a heartbeat!!! Glad you are back again!! Dont stay away so long this time. Give us some more guess who's??????
Posted by rocksteadyflamethrower (Member # 1065) on :
Welcome back, Saint. Please stick around...I like your posts. Oh, by the way, Steve and Jessie are right...I have an eye for these things. Keep everything in its' place and we're cool.
This thread isn't about me, though. It's about you, and I must say that I look forward to more games of "Guess Who?"
John Kilduff
Posted by Saint_in_London (Member # 2575) on :
Hi R.S.F
I'm on this site a lot more than it may seem. I alot of the time I'm just reading on the boards or even just the movie pages.
I think of a subect and it normaly takes me a few weeks before i get it up on the boards... ;o(
I am WELL aware of your work chasing down the posters who use the wrong message board! ;o)
Posted by The Mod Formerly Known as PaulS (Member # 1022) on :
quote:Originally posted by Saint_in_London: so i guess this the best place to asked. I really like the Tom Cruise film Vanilla Sky.
I have read a lot of trivia on it and some of the hidden stuff is the most intresting I've seen in a film, but one thing I can't find out or figure out is who told Julia Guliane/Cameron Diaz that she was a 'F*** Buddy'?
Anyone help with this?
Thanks. Geoff aka saint in london
Hi Geoff, this line was said by Brian (played by Jason Lee) but it's said to someone else, not to Julia/Cameron. It's said about her.
Posted by Saint_in_London (Member # 2575) on :
Paul, Yea, I know Brian says it to David and then David says it aint so(in the car)
Then in Julia's car she asks David if he said it to Brian?
But, how does she even know it was disscussed at all?
When David later asks Brian if he told her he says no.
You don't see anyone tell as far as i can see and you David and Brain say it wasnt them?
If Brain repeated it to someone else, do you know how that someone was?
Posted by The Mod Formerly Known as PaulS (Member # 1022) on :
I don't think it's meant to be something that was discussed - I think it's more like a phrase. You know - "did you tell Brian that I'm your main squeeze" kinda thing. Only 'main squeeze' is a bit too retro, so they went for F*** Buddy....
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
Brian (Jason Lee) definitely told Julianna (Cameron Diaz)when he was drunk at David's (Tom Cruise) party. He was feeling rejected by Sofia (Penelope Cruz) and accidently let it slip out to her. They never actually show it happening, but you are left to think that is what happened. Though Brian denies it later.
Saint_in_London, Vanilla Sky is a movie that you either love or hate. I loved it, Devo hated it. HA...I enjoyed how it freaked you out at times and I wasn't dissappointed in the ending like so many others.
Posted by Saint_in_London (Member # 2575) on :
Hi Valley, I see your a big Vanilla Sky fan like me, If you havnt see this site before take a look, its got some great stuff on it about all the hidden things in the film.
(anyone else who has seen the film, this is well worth a look)
It's intresting what you say about the **** buddy thing. Its the fact that Brian always denied it that got me and he did seem like a good freind who wouldnt do that but like you say he was drunk at the party - maybe even forgot he did it?! I do think your right though about what happened.
Its a bit strange that it wasnt made a little more clear as that line is a bit of a trigger to Diaz losing it.