This also was on AMC last night, and I watched most of it too.
I like it over all, the special with Meryl Streeps broken neck, and the hole through Goldie Hawn is pretty cool.
It just is scary how it seems everyone is so afraid of growing older and getting wrinkles, and I saw for the first time last night an episode of Extreme Makeover- with 2 women that were best friends- and I couldn't believe what they went through to change themselves.
They did look really great in the end, and I think to have perfect teeth does change your face dramatically...but in between on the commercials- they are doing actual commercials now, for Botox, for breast implants, for teeth whitening procedures. It just seems so extreme for sure how much emphasis people are putting on looks.
It is strange cause on one end you got people that are going through surgery to look great, and then you got people on the other side who are covering their bodies up with tattoos, and piercings, and it doesn't seem like anyone wants to just be a regular person any more, it doesn't seem like anyone is ever satisfied with themselves the way they are.
I think it is great to improve yourself, in your mind, to improve your health by your diet, and exercising...but carving away at just seems so bizarre to me. I mean nobody ever did that before, until recently.
And Meryl Streep in Death Decomes her was so miserable....and all she cared about was what she saw in the mirror, and she was always comparing everyone else to herself, that's what I think is going to happen to alot of people.
Posted by jlp937-Sunflower Goddess (Member # 1877) on :
Hey I absolutely love this one too. I wish it would come out on DVD.
Posted by Obscurus Lupa (Member # 2700) on :
It is on DVD, jlp--I own it.
I think it's a great comedy--and that's what it should be taken as. Meryl Streep's character was miserable, and Goldie Hawn's was too . . . but that's what makes it funny. It's just funny to see two jealous women beat each others' heads in (literally) and get nowhere. Bruce Willis was also very good in it, and his mustache was goofy.
As for Extreme Makeover . . . as long as the people on it continue to stay in shape (There was a guy that gained all his weight back and had to go through the process again.) and keep healthy, I don't see why they shouldn't have a chance to make themselves feel better. I guess it might be considered a little "extreme" though. (Show's title?)
It does get ridiculous with the plastic surgery (Lindsay Lohan got breast implants? Why?), but I don't think it gets too awful because of the consequences of too much plastic surgery (I know it seems like a cheap jab at Michael Jackson, but the bridge of his nose collapsed--I think it's fair to say that it's unhealthy to have so much done to your face.).
'Course, some people have a theory that Barbie gives little girls unrealistic expectations . . . Which is a little ridiculous in itself.