This is topic How Come the 90's got a new Look?? in forum « 90's Movies at iRewind Talk.

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Posted by isis9968 (Member # 1780) on :
The 90's is Stylin now, new look and everything.

What's up with that, and nothing new color wise for the 80's.

It would be cool on the 80's board if it was Red N Black, or Pink N Gray or Purple-for Purple Rain.

I guess we are going to stay Pretty in Pink, for awhile. [Cool]
Posted by jlp937 (Member # 1877) on :
ISIS it would appear to me that the whole site on the forum side has gotten a change.
Posted by CT (Member # 2903) on :
I kinda like the colors of the '80s rewind. I've gotton used to seeing those colors when i log on the site.

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