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Posted by isis9968 (Member # 1780) on :
I actually really like them, I don't know what happened, just like all the other "boy bands", they must have had their time already. They were the first concert I ever went to. Anyway, my mom has Revelation, and I went to play a song on her CD and I thought I must have lost my mind, because it wasn't on there...and I went and looked it up my CD and it is the last song- #14- it is called Can you Imagine-and I love it, it is my favorite song on that CD, and they both have the same cover, and the rest of the songs are the same, but mine has that song on it, and hers doesn't, is that weird or what??

I like the song they sing..

I think it is called
The Hardest Thing

that is a good sad one.
Posted by Sam Hain 666 (Member # 3150) on :
98 Degrees will always be known as the band that had Mr. Jessica Simpson in it.
Posted by HipsterMom27 (Member # 2161) on :
My girls were more into the Backstreet Boys and I only liked any of these guys in video when they were bare-chested...otherwise, musically speaking, eeee-yew.
Posted by Ronnie (Member # 465) on :
i actually like 98 degrees, i have 2 of their cds. as far as the guys go, .... *shrug*

i do like backstreet boys' music a lot. I WANT IT THAT WAY & ALL I HAVE TO GIVE are such boy-band pop sounding songs, but i dig those tunes. very catchy. [Smile] [Embarrassed]
Posted by HipsterMom27 (Member # 2161) on :
My daughter was just on the cusp of leaving pop music behind when N Sync came to our local arena...I scored tickets thru a connection and took her against my better judgment...I was embarrassed that perhaps someone hip might see me and my hipness quotient would be in question...then I realized, why would any hip people be there other than as chaperones or to make fun of the whole experience I stuck my ear plugs in and prayed for it to be over soon.
Posted by MotleyRulz (Member # 3598) on :
They were terrible, but I guess it's a guy thing...

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