The River Rat is a good crime drama written and directed by Thomas Rickman. Starring Tommy Lee Jones, Martha Plimpton, Brian Dennehy and Shawn Smith.
"a young teenage daughter (Plimpton) meets her father (Jones), an ex-con just released from prison, for the first time. The two slowly forge a relationship as they rebuild a boat named "The River Rat." But the father cannot escape his criminal past as he is blackmailed by the prison psychiatrist (Dennehy), who believes he knows the location of a large amount of cash stolen before imprisonment. (Wikipedia)
Tommy Lee Jones is great once again and Brian Dennehy always delivers. Martha Plimpton (The Goonies, Running on Empty etc.) is awesome in her first starring role.
I liked the locations and Mike Post had composed a cool score. The soundtrack includes some nice tunes, i especially love the two Autograph songs.