The Lost Empire is a highly entertaining b-action flick. Directed by Jim Wynorski (Chopping Mall etc.), this was his directorial debut. Starring Melanie Vincz, Raven De La Croix, Angela Aames and Paul Coufos.
There´s just amazing magical 80s feeling throughout the movie. Hot babes, great old school effects, funny one-liners, robot spider, laser cannon, and a villain named Dr. Sin Do
The awesome synth score was composed by the legendary "John Carpenter partner in crime" Alan Howarth. I just love those pulsating synth beats
Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
But of course i have this ! (that probably didn't come as a surprise)
It's an okay, but problematic disc. The movie itself is widescreen (2,35), anamorphically enhanced.. It looks fairly good (reasonably sharp and very colourful), but it's an interlaced transfer instead of progressive playback. On bigger TV screens things can get a bit 'shaky' and unstable, to be honest. There's no cursor on the main menu, which makes it kinda hard to navigate. (not really sure if all discs are like this) There is a Jim Wynorsky commentary though.
[ 01. February 2015, 05:11: Message edited by: Johnny Roarke is reckless ]
Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
I did a quick check, and it turns out there is no cursor on any of the menu's.. very annoying. Just press enter and see what happens i guess.
There's also a disposable stills gallery consisting of 17 freeze-frames from the movie, but also 10 tracks from the score / soundtrack in some sort of audio-only segment. No trailer is included.