I just posted a movie question on here, and I really started remembering this one. I REALLY would LOVE to see this movie again.
OK, this again from the 80's, it has to do with two friends that build a round "spacecraft" that they build out of junk from a junkyard. I think the reason why it can fly is because one of the boys had powers that allowed him to use a sort of "bubble" that you could sit in and fly aroudn in. ******This might be a different seperate movie**** but most likely its the same one. One of the kids, the one with the powers lived at home and his room was filled with all sorts of gadgets and things of that nature. His parents didnt really care about him so he was some smart loner that always was in his room.
When they first made the 'spaceraft' they didnt know how to operate it and went straight in the air at night, then after a few minutes of flying around all crazy, they flew through a billboard.
Thats all i remember. Please HELP!!!!!
Posted by P.S It's Paul... (Member # 1022) on :
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