Has anyone else been watching the great new series "Kyle XY"?
If you're wondering what this has to do with 80s movies well it's like they made a tv series out of the film D.A.R.Y.L., it hold so many parallels with that film it's uncanny;
A boy (teenager in the case of Kyle) is found, who has no memories & no past but has the mental capabilities of a computer, he excels at using a computer and sports etc., for instance Daryl is an excllent baseball player and Kyle is excellent at baskeball, and they both have amazing mathematics skills.
Posted by Spooka Lupa (Member # 2700) on :
I haven't seen the show (it doesn't look too bad, just not good enough to watch all the time), but all I've been able to tell from the previews is that you're finding out about his past in every episode. "What's going on this week? Oh, you're finding out something about his past. Next week? Same thing. Except, y'know, it'll be shocking."