I own the DVD and I was just viewing it the other night in preparation for a review I'll be doing on it.
I thought it was very action-packed...Lots of guns going off and faces being punched. I liked Whoopi Goldberg's performance and I laughed at a lot of the lines. I guess that's because I laugh at 4-letter words.
Well, I'm off to view it once more before I review it.
Anybody else like this movie?
John Kilduff
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
Yes...I think it is a really good movie.
I love Sam Elliott in it, that was when he was mighty cute...I don't know what happened to him from that movie to Roadhouse...but he took a major nose dive.
I haven't watched it in awhile, but I remember really liking it...Now...I wasn't thinking Whoopi Goldberg and Sam made a good movie couple, infact I would have to say they made an oddball pair, which that probably was a category somewhere...and I couldn't come up with an answer, but on least likely couple ...it would be them.
Posted by Saint_in_London (Member # 2575) on :
I also have this movie in my collection, from back when it was first released. I preferred it back then, now when I watch it the story just seems very weak and basic by today’s standards. Im really surprised at Isis liking this one, with the amount of swearing that Woopi does, its bordering on extreme for a woman in a movie, some of the words she uses I think it stands out even more today then it did then. I think the bad guys are very stereotypically ‘80s bad guys’ one with the one wild look and another in a bodybuilders vest! Also quite a bit of Neon lighting to be seen around for the 80s fashion fans.
John, this was in IMDB “A love scene was filmed between 'Sam Elliot' and Whoopi Goldberg, but was cut from the final edit. The kiss he gives her at the end hints at the relationship as it was originally scripted.”
There relationship did seem a little strange, seemed to be some flirting going on but that’s about it.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Watched Fatal Beauty (1987) last night and it rocked! It was written by Bill Svanoe, Hilary Henkin (Road House) and Dean Riesner (many Eastwood films). Tom Holland directed the movie right after Fright Night and he hates it. I don´t mind because i like it.
It´s basically Beverly Hills Cop with a female lead and if you´ve seen Road House you know what to get. Political correctness thrown out of the window, it´s violent, the jokes are rude and the pace is fast. Harold Faltermeyer did the soundtrack, not one of his most memorable work but decent enough. I´m not a Whoopi Goldberg fanclub member but she was funny. Usually i like Sam Elliot but i think that he was miscast and yes he did IT with Whoopi in this one The other stars are Rubén Blades (good), John P. Ryan (legend, but a rather small role here) and Brad Dourif (always enjoyable).
Fun Cheech Marin in the opening scene, L.A. streets at night and the film is packed with great one-liners. I´m sure most of you people here will like it.
I had forgotten about this one. Watching the trailer it looks like it could be good.
Posted by thenodfather (Member # 8732) on :
I just watched this. There were some parts that were highly unrealistic and implausible, but overall it was a mildly entertaining film.
When looking at it on IMDB there was a link to another Whoopi Goldberg film called Homer & Eddie that looks like it could be good. It got the same score as Fatal Beauty so it could be the same in the level of quality.