Here's another movie I bought off Ebay. I have never seen this but apparently Phoebe did it right around the time between Fast Times & Private School. It's super rare to find. Does anyone remember it? Is it good? God, don't let it be another Paradise. That was hideous!
Posted by Jessie the Sunflower Goddess (Member # 1877) on :
I actually haven't even heard of this one at all. I'll have to check it out. I like to hear about some of our favorites in lessor seen films because some of them can wind up being a treasure!
Posted by mamamiasweetpeaches (Member # 1715) on :
Never heard of it. Please tell us if it was good or not after you see it. can look it up on and see if anyone reviewed it yet!
Posted by mamamiasweetpeaches (Member # 1715) on :
I peeked on imdb. Two people reviewed it and said it was good. It's a TV movie...which is why many of us dont remember seeing it, I think.
Posted by cindymancini (Member # 679) on :
Okay, I watched Baby Sister yesterday. It was actually pretty good, for a tv movie. Phoebe was great, as usual. Can she ever look bad? The story focused around Annie (Phoebe) who drops out of college and ends up living with her sister Marsha. Marsha has a boyfriend who she's been with for awhile but as of lately, their relationship has been strained due to her busy work schedule. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what happens next. There's also a whole sub-plot surrounding the dynamics between Annie and her father. Overall, I liked Baby Sister. I just wonder why Phoebe did a tv movie in the midst of her movie career? Seems like regressing don't you think?
[ 22. June 2005, 18:44: Message edited by: cindymancini ]
Posted by Riptide (Member # 457) on :
A shame, another lost rare 80's tv movie. Any chance that some kind oof compant could take aout 4 TV movies and put them on one DVD?
Posted by cindymancini (Member # 679) on :
I agree with you Riptide. Maybe now that alot of tv shows are being released on DVD, made for tv movies will follow. This would be worth a purchase.
Posted by Riptide (Member # 457) on :
O heavens yes. But I woory about people fighting over the rights to release it. But seriously, some good made for tv movies box set would be awesome to have. I mean, just purchasing a legit copy of Quarterback Princess or something.
Posted by cindymancini (Member # 679) on :
Well, it took 8 years but my wish for this to get a DVD release came to fruition! Weird! I bought a crappy bootleg back in 2005. Looks horrible...wonder what the new DVD quality looks like?? ...
Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
My copy of the new Baby Sister dvd came in at the shop two weeks ago. I have yet to go and pick it up though. I'll report about the picture-quality as soon as i have it. Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
My bro ordered me the dvd but i havenīt picked it up yet Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
So you keep Phoebe waiting ??
What a guy, jeeezz.. Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Phoebe will understand... Posted by P_a_u_l (Member # 1022) on :
Maybe, but we sure don't.... Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Hey, iīm still with Catherine so hush, hush guys Posted by P_a_u_l (Member # 1022) on :
Sorry, but no. I'm telling Phoebe...
Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
So, last night i test-checked my brand new Baby Sister dvd. I only watched the first 5 minutes or so, so i can't comment on the movie itself yet.
The disc is as bare-bones as they come. There's a static menu-screen with just a 'play movie' option to click. There's no set-up menu, no scene selection, and no extra's. There's not even the usual cross-promotional trailers from Scorpion Releasing.
Now for the good news : The picture-quality is actually surprisingly good. It's in fullscreen (which is probably its original aspect ratio, because of its made-for-tv origins), but is mastered in 24p (for those who care about the technical specs), which gives it a very theatrical movie-like appearance. Colors never look muted or faded. It seems like they really put some care into (re-)mastering the movie for the dvd.
On a side note : The catalogue-number on the side of the sleeve is SCOTV001, which may indicate this is Scorpion's first release in a line of tv-movies they are bringing to dvd.. who knows.
Posted by cindymancini (Member # 679) on :
I agree Johnny Roarke!!! I started watching mine this weekend & I think it looks pretty darn good for a tv movie!
I fell asleep cause I was tired but I enjoyed what I saw thus far! This was done between Fast Times & Private School!! Phoebe looks absolutely incredible!!
Also, as a relatively new Dynasty obsessed fan, it's so cool to see Claudia Blaisdale (Pamela Bellwood) acting alongside Phoebs!
Scorpion did a nice job with this! Cover art is cool & the clear dvd case just makes it look fresh and clean! Worth every penny!
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Watched Baby Sister last night and it was very good!
It was directed by Steven Hilliard Stern who did lots of tv-movies like The Park is Mine, Getting Physical and Not Just Another Affair which i also own.
Phoebe Cates was fantastic and i liked Pamela Bellwood and Ted Wass too. The score, composed by Fred Karlin, is very good. Especially the theme tune "When It Gets Too Hot" is excellent. Too bad the end credits donīt say who sang it.
Nice relationship drama, health club action and some Venice Beach scenery. Perfect early 80s atmosphere!
And i just noticed that it was cindy who was the new Dynasty obsessed fan, not Muffy like i said on another thread. My bad!
Posted by Veronica Sawyer (Member # 2221) on :
This is free to stream on Freevee. The quality of the movie is pretty terrible but it's a fun watch. Definitely a movie that would never be made today based on the relationship between Phoebe's character and the much older BF of her sister.
Also, that soundtrack! Typical cheesy 80's music tailored specifically for the movie.